Welcome, PUCL is the leading cytometry site since 1993.
2003 Meetings
- January 25-30, 2003
- Photonics West meeting San Jose
American Society for Cell Biology, San Francisco, California. -
- February 17, 2003
- Flow Cytometry Immunophenotyping of Leukaemia and lymphoma
- The Conference Centre, Royal Marsden Hospital,
Fulham Road, London SW3 6JJ -
- March 19, 2003
- San Diego Area Flow Cytometry Users Group
Topic: Measuring Cytokines Inside and Outside Cells
Location: Multipurpose Room, VA Medical Center
3350 La Jolla Village Drive
San Diego, CA, 92161 -
- April 11, 2003
- 30th Meeting of the Danish Society for Flow Cytometry
Topic: Suspension Array Tecnologies
Location: Auditorium 2, Rigshospitalet,
Blegdamsvej 9, Copenhagen. -
- April 13-16,2003
- Focus on Microscopy, Genova, Italy
- May 6-9, 2003
- ISAC 1st Annual Cytomics Conference, Coldra Woods, Newport, Wales UK.
- May 28-9, 2003
- Good Tissue Practice Workshop - Phoenix, AZ USA, Early Reg'n Deadline: April 11, Abstract Submission Deadline: n/a
www.celltherapy.org, Organized with representatives from FDA/CBER, NIH, AABB, etc this 1.5-day workshop will focus on the preparation for and implementation of the upcoming Final Rule on GTP. -
- May 28, 2003
- 4th Workshop Applications of Flow Cytometry in Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation, May 28, 2003, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Early Reg'n Deadline: April 11, Abstract Submission Deadline: n/a, www.celltherapy.org, This year's workshop focuses on (a) Standardization of Cytometric Testing and (b) Cytometric Applications in Biotherapy/Immunotherapy.
- May 29-June 1, 2003
- Cell Therapy 2003: ISCT's 9th Annual Meeting Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Early Reg'n Deadline: April 11, Abstract Submission Deadline: Feb. 14,
isct2003@celltherapy.org, www.celltherapy.org, The ISCT Annual Meeting includes plenary scientific and clinical presentations, educational workshops, panel discussions, technical breakfasts, abstract presentations, social events, etc. -
- June 4, 2003
- San Diego Area Flow Cytometry User's Group
VA Medical Center, San Diego
3350 La Jolla Village Drive
San Diego, California, 92161
Multipurpose Room
Wednesday, June 4, 2003
6:00 to 9:00 PM -
- June 24-25, 2003
- UK NEQAS for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping
Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield, England, UK -
- July 27-August 1, 2003
Dartmouth Clinical Course on Flow Cytometry
Dartmouth Medical School
Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA.
Course Directors, Paul Wallace and Alice Givan.
Contact: Course Administrator Maybe Martinez for a brochure. -
- August 24-29, 2003
- World Congress of Biomedical Engineering Abstract Deadline March 10, early reg April 18, Author deadline June 30
- September 13-15, 2003
- 3rd Annual Somatic Cell Therapy Symposium: Regulatory Issues for Scientists & Clinicians - Chesapeake Bay, Cambridge, MD USA
Early Reg'n Deadline: July 1, 2003, Abstract Submission Deadline: n/a, www.celltherapy.org
This annual meeting on the regulatory issues facing somatic cell therapy scientists & clinicians deals with INDs, IRBs, G(x)Ps etc and is based on panel discussions involving scientific, clinical, and regulatory experts from academia, industry, and government. -
- September 21-25, 2003
- Society for Biomolecular Screening Annual Conference
Oregon Convention Center
Portland, Oregon, USA
email@sbsonline.org -
- October 3-5, 2003
- Great Lakes International Image and Flow Cytometry Association GLIIFCA) 12th Annual Meeting
Clarion Hotel and Convention Center
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A -
- October 7-10, 2003
- 9th Congress of the French Association on Cytometry
Strasbourg, France
afc2003@alphavisa.com -
- October 13-15
- 26th Annual Australian Flow Cytometry Group Conference
Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia
kfield@mmri.mater.org.au -
- October 9-11, 2003
- 3rd Annual Nonhematopoietic & Mesenchymal Stem Cells Conference -
New Orleans, LA USA,
Early Registration Deadline: August, Abstract Submission Deadline: September - isct@celltherapy.org
- November 20-22, 2003
- ISAC Fourth Samuel A. Latt Meeting: Quantitative Biology for the Clinic Yosemite National Park, California. Contact: Maria Pallavicini or Joe Gray
- November 27-29, 2003
- Second Workshop in Cytometry,
Rome, Italy,
Giovanna Borsellino, MD, PhD
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