Bio-Rad Radiance 2100 MP Rainbow System
- Spectra Physics Wideband Mai-Tai Red/IR pulse laser. Tunable 710-920 nm
- 4-line Argon Primary Laser (457, 477, 488, 514nm)
- Red laser diode (637nm)
- Green HeNe (543nm) laser
Nikon Eclipse TE2000 Inverted Microscope
- Objectives (CFI60 infinity optical system):
- Plan 10x 0.25
- Plan Fluor 20x 0.75 Multi-immersion
- S Fluor 40x 1.0 Oil
- Plan Apo IR 60x 1.2 Water DIC
- Motorized XY-Stage (Marzhauser)
- Microincubator (ALA Scientific Instruments) and temperature controller (NPI)
- Condensers: dry long distance and high-NA oil condenser
- Anti-vibration optical table (TMC)
Fluorescence life-time measurement system
- Becker and Hickl SPC-830 life-time module
- ultrafast PMTs from Hamamatsu
MRC 1024 UV/Vis System (as installed in 1994 below upgraded in 2003)
The MRC 1024 installed in the lab (1994) originally consisted of the following components:
- UV/Vis: Coherent Innova Enterprise Model 622 - 60 mW output (with remote control) Water Cooled
- Visible: ILT Ar-Kr Model 5470K-00C-2B
Nikon Diaphot 300 Inverted Microscope
- Objectives:
- Plan APO 10 x 0.45
- Fluor Phase 10 x
- Flour 20 x 0.75
- Fluor 40 x 1.3 DIC OIL
- Plan APO 60 x 1.4 DIC OIL
- Plan APO 100 x 1.4 OIL
- DIC Condenser and optical components
- EPI - Fluor Attachment with 100 w HG lamp, Power supply for HBO 100w
- Motorized XY-Stage from Ludl
- Motorized Z-Drive
- Anti-vibration table TMC Model 78-455-12 Size: 8' x 4', drilled 3/16 plate every 1"
- Physiology Components:
- Heated Stage DTC-W-120-LC Digital Temperature Controller & Stage Brook Industries made to order
- Objective Heater: OH-100 Objective Heater Brook Industries made to order
MRC-1024 Features
- Three Detector Channels
- Transmission Detector 3 color
- Triple Labelling Filter
MRC-1024 Original Computer System
- Compaq Prosignia 500 with 80 Meg ram, 21" Monitor (1994)
- Output/Presentation
- Printers
- Codonics NP1600 Dye Sublimation Color Printer
- H-P 4M Laser Printer
- Tektronics Color Laser Printer
- Digital Camera for Slides
- Lasergraphics LFR Personal
- 2 x Silicon Graphics Workstation Indigo 2 running VoxelView
- PC running Optimas
2003 upgrade
- New ILT laser
- New computer system controlling the microscope:
- Dell PowerEdge 1600SC computer
- Microsoft Windows NT running Lasersharp 2000
- New photographic printer Fujifilm Pictography 4000II
- New image processing workstations, PC-based, running Image-Pro Plus and 3D-Constructor
- New cards linking the computer system controling the microscope to the unit (no more EISA!)
Bio-Rad DVC 250 Viewscan
The DVC 250 system installed in the lab in 1994 consisted of the listed below. The system is currently in our development laboratory as this system is no longer an operable system.
- ILT Ar-Kr Model 5470K-00C-2B visible laser
- Microscopes:
- Nikon Diaphot 200 (Inverted) with computerized Z-Motor model #31002 plus Z-drive controller
- Nikon Labophot (Upright) with computerized Z-Motor model #31002 plus Z-drive controller
- Cameras:
- Monochrome: Photonic Sciences "Darkstar"
- Color: Optronics 470T
- Original computer system in 1994: Compaq Prosignia 500 with 80 Meg RAM, 21" Monitor running Metamorph/Metafluor, Universal Imaging Corp. Image Analysis Software
- Video Monitor: Sony HR Trinitron
- Filter Wheel: Lambda 10-2, Suter Instrument Company
- Video Laserdisc (sic!): Panasonic TQ-3031F
- Physiology Components:
- Heated Stage: DTC-W-120-LC Digital Temperature Controller & Stage Brook Industries made to order (see Picture)
- Objective Heater: OH-100 Objective Heater Brook Industries made to order
Nikon Eclipse E1000 motorized fluorescence microscope
- Objectives (CFI60 infinity optical system):
- Plan Fluor 4x 0.75
- Plan Fluor 10x 0.30 Ph
- Plan Fluor 20x 0.50 Ph
- Plan Fluor 40x 0.75 Ph
- Plan Apo 60x 1.4 Oil DIC
- Built-in Nikon Z-drive
- Multispectral addition:
- Cameras:
- Diagnostic Instruments Spot B/W camera
- Photonic Sciences Darkstar intensified camera
- System is computer-controlled by MetaMorph or Image-Pro Plus software packages
Nikon Labophot
- Objectives:
- Plan 4x 0.13
- PlanApo 10x 0.45
- Fluor 20x 0.75
- Fluor 40x 0.85 Ph
- PlanApo 60x 1.4 Oil DIC
- Camera: Optronics color camera
- Video monitor: Sony HR Trinitron
- System is controlled by Image-Pro Plus software
Other microscopes
- Nikon Eclipse TS100
- Objectives: Plan 4x 0.1; 10x 0.25, 20x 0.40 and 40x 0.55 Ph ADL LWD
- Cameras: Nikon DN100 color camera and Sanyo VDC 38000 B/W camera
- Leica DM IL