Home Cytometry History Individual Histories Giuliano Mazzini

Giuliano Mazzini

Figure of the historical Koritska microscope (1897) a company located in Milano active in building-up optical instruments since the second half of 1800.

In cooperation with Koritska company Sergio Perugini (1951-54) made the first histophotometer aimed to quantitate the primitive histochemical reactions.

Maffo Vialli, one of the founders of quantitative histochemistry, realized a variety of microphotometers in the two decades between 1950-70.

Figure from a mile-stone paper of Giuseppe Gerzeli dealing with microinterferometry as a tool for “dry-mass” determination (1955).

The emerging fluorescence histochemistry was going to replace “color-staining”: Giovanni Prenna did a lot of contributions (1960-70) in the study of “Shiff-type reagents”. In the figure some of his original derivatives (commercial drugs) still conserved in our lab.

Nucleated erythrocytes (bufo viridens) stained by Feulgen reaction using dehydro-thio-paratoluidine as a Shiff-type reagents (Prenna 1969).

Another example (frog erythrocytes) of Shiff-type reagent (BBT) of the Prenna’s lab. First application in flow cytometry by Isabel Freitas and Giuliano Mazzini (1975).

A “collection” of historical instrumentation operated at “Centro di Studio per l’Istochimica del CNR” from 1965 till nowadays. Many of these instruments improved and up-graded in electronics are still working at “Palazzo Botta.” In the figure the Leitz MPV1 equipped with both “photometric-capability” in transmitted light and the “micro-fluorometry” in incident illumination (1969).

From microfluorometry to laser cytometry … 1984”. Carlo A. Sacchi and Giovanni Bottiroli did a lot of work making different instrumental development dealing with the introduction of laser sources (even pulsed tunable lasers) in cytometry.

The Leitz “microspectrograph” operated both in absorption and fluorescence (1968) a foundamental instrument in the story of CNR Centre (continuosly up-graded is still operated in our lab by Bottiroli-Croce).

Among many improvements in microspectrofluorometry at Botta, very important had been the contributions by Sergio Cova (1974) dealing with the introduction of “single photon counting” as an innovative and sensitive method for signal detection. One of the first example of the introduction of “digital electronics” in cytometry.

The “Biophysic 4800A” the first flow cytometer in italy introduced (1971) by Prenna (as a demo unit bought in USA) and equipped with a 1024 Laben multichannel analizer.