Re: biotin-avidin sandwiches, anyone?

Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron (
15 Sep 1997 15:09:22 +0100

I haven't done layers, but when labeling with SAV-FITC, it
can be helpful to add free biotin to the sample at the end
to release some of the FITC quenched in the avidin-binding
groove for the biotin. Can sometimes more than double your

Gerhard Nebe-v.Caron
Unilever Research, Colworth,
Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire
GB - MK44 1LQ
Tel: +44(0)1234-222066
FAX: +44(0)1234-222344

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Subject: biotin-avidin sandwiches, anyone?
Author: at INTERNET
Date: 12/09/97 18:12

I've heard of a technique for amplifying signal of low density antigens by
creating layers of avidin-biotin complex, thereby increasing the available
biotin targets for the finally added fluorescent-conjugated avidin. Anyone
know about this, and do you have references? I've searched, but I guess
I can't come up with the proper key words.

Mark A. KuKuruga, Managing Director
University of Michigan Flow Cytometry