RE: FACScan cleanup - Washing solutions ???

Wed, 25 Oct 95 15:06:39 CST

Our BD field rep told us to do the following before shutdown:

1. Let instrument aspirate about 1 ml 10% bleach into waste
containment line.
2. Run same on HIGH for at least 3 minutes.
3. Let instrument aspirate at least 1 ml distilled water.
4. Run water on HIGH for at least 5 minutes.

These were minimum times - more is better. He said to use more water
than bleach to make sure the lines are washed out as bleach will eat
the connectors if it's left sitting there.

We also do a monthly washing with bleach/water in the sheath fluid
(sheath filter bypassed as others have mentioned). This is 5% bleach
in the sheath container for 30 minutes with a bleach sample tube (25%)
running as well. Follow with 30-40 minutes of distilled water (sheath
filter still bypassed). Switch everything back to normal and run for
20 minutes. We use Haema-Line 2 as our running sheath fluid.

This seems to have worked for us. This is a research instrument only
- if that makes any difference to you.

It's been interesting to see the various approaches!



Lorie Miller
Flow Cytometry Core Lab
Blood Center of Southeastern Wisconsin

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