Re: Calculation of C classes in endoreduplicating nuclei

David Galbraith (dgalbrai@ag.Arizona.EDU)
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 08:44:46 -0700


I periodically try to get software companies (or anyone else) interested in
writing programs for this purpose -- cell cycle analysis programs capable of
dealing with log distributions, multiple peaks, and background subtraction.
So far (as far as I am aware) there has been resounding silence. We print
out the distributions using something like Sigmaplot, enlarge them, cut out
the peaks, and weigh them. This apparently hokey approach is quite accurate
and was originally developed for finding the proportion of ribosomes in the
various 2-mer, 3-mer,4-mer, etc., peaks found in sucrose gradient analysis
of polyribosomes. Hey, maybe there's another application for the software!?

Good luck


At 09:34 PM 10/10/95 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear colleagues,
>I'm working on DNA endoreduplication in maize nuclei, analyzing the
>tissue with a Coulter Epics flow cytometer/MDADSII. I want to calculate
>the percent nuclei in each individual C class to see how
>endoreduplication progresses as the tissue get older--e.g. how many
>nuclei are in the higher C classes over time. Are there any statistical
>programs to determine the number of cells/percentage of cells in each
>individual C class/peak?
>Thanks in advance,
>Gerard Engelen-Eigles
>Dept. Agronomy, university of MN, St. Paul, MN

David Galbraith
Professor of Plant Sciences
University of Arizona
303 Forbes Building
Tucson AZ 85721
Phone (520) 621-9153
FAX (520) 621-7186

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