Yoyo in sea water

Daniel Vaulot (Daniel.Vaulot@univ-rennes1.fr)
Thu, 17 Feb 1994 21:52:30 +0100 (MET)

Will anyone have experience with using YOYO, the DNA stain
from Molecular Probe, in high ionic strength buffer?
We are working on marine phytoplankton and would like to stain
cells directly in sea water. Cells stain great in sea water diluted 10
times in Qwater but when we decrease dilution, signal goes down
and CV up drastically. Is there anything we could to the sea watr
to prevent this???

Thanks for your help.

Daniel Vaulot
Station Biologique BP74
29682 Roscoff FRANCE
Fax: 33 98 29 23 24

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