Digital Deconvolution Software & Systems
State-of-the-art deconvolution algorithms can equal or exceed the capabilities of a scanning confocal microscope. This image of a computer chip was deconvolved using VayTek's MicroTome software.
 Raw Image  Deconvolved Image

The word "deconvolve" means to untangle or unwind. A deconvolution algorithm is a systematic procedure for removing noise or haze from an image. Digital Deconvolution, uses software to remove out-of-focus haze from microscope images. For many applications, the results are comparable to those produced by much more expensive scanning confocal microscopes. The digital deconvolution approach offers more flexibility and a wider range of applications.

Digital Deconvolution Microscopy consists of four separate steps:

VayTek provides a variety of software and hardware packages that address the issues for each step of the process.

MicroTome for Windows and MicroTome Power Mac, address each step separately and give the user the most power and the most flexibility in data acquisition, deconvolution and post-processing. HazeBuster for Windows and HazeBuster for Power Mac are similar to MicroTome except that they are slower in haze removal and have fewer features. (See Site Map for links.)

Proteus is the high-end, high-tolerance system incorporating the most accurate cameras, algorithms and electronics to produce highly detailed images. Because Proteus uses a cooled CCD camera it can capture images that are dimmer than those typically seen on a scanning confocal microscope.

Customers who purchase MicroTome or HazeBuster often need additional programs and/or hardware for data acquisition and post-processing. VayTek also offers data acquisition packages and turnkey systems that include a computer, camera, frame-grabber board, stage stepper motor, and all the software necessary to control the hardware, deconvolve the images, and then process them.

Each of these products is described in detail. VayTek personnel are available for consultation on system integration and will work with you to retrofit your current system with VayTek's digital confocal technology.

Contact us at or call 515-472-2227

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