3 color phenotyping with Pe

Tony Ward (Tony_Ward@bdis.com)
Fri, 11 Feb 1994 10:58:22 PST

REGARDING 3 color phenotyping with PerCP:
- From in-house (BDIS) experiments it is possible to use PerCP on a FACStar
Plus if laser power is reduced to 40 mW or less when using the 2 inch laser
focusing lens. Sensitivity is not great but should be useable with bright
markers. It may not be possible to run a large laser in a stable mode at
low enough power to use PerCP. Focusing the laser to a large spot in the
flow cell (eg using the 5 inch lens rather than 2 inch or using the
horizontal expander with the 2 inch lens) will also reduce the laser
intensity. Also using the low power compromises both FITC and PE
sensitivity. Therefore, we recommend that you try lowering the laser power
while observing the fluorescence histogram or dot plot for PerCP.

Best Regards
Tony Ward - BDIS

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