recent argon ion plasma tube repair by EVERGREEN

Frederic Preffer (preffer@HELIX.MGH.HARVARD.EDU)
Mon, 16 Sep 1996 13:14:24 -0400

It true adhereance to Murphys Law, no sooner did i zip the message below off
to this forum than i get a call from my lab....the I-90 laser is down again.
Well, stay "tuned" for details.

> almost seems to good to be true..but we shipped out our I-90
argon last monday (in a crate supplied by the company) and it was returned
(personally delivered!) last friday! I dont know WHAT they did or HOW they
did it so quickly...but the laser appears to be JUST FINE in visable light.
We have not yet tried the UV. I appreciate there are other scenarios, but
two seem to stand right out. Either:
>1) the fix is some kind of 'temporary' laser voodoo bandaid and we will be
in trouble again soon.
>2)our lab, and many others utilizing water cooled lasers, have been
*incredibly* ripped off for many years, overpaying the big manufacturers
for repairs by a factor of about 4! I HOPE Evergreen makes a tidy profit
from us, to keep them going, considering what we have shelled out in the
past for tube replacements.
>The later possiblity does fly in the face of what i generally find..that
one tends to get what one pays for... I suppose time will tell. Any
comments (especially if from the laser industry) would be appreciated.
> In summary, i am *extremely* pleased with the work perfomed, and highly
recommend EVERGREEN to those interested in following this thread 2-3 weeks
ago. Evergreen Laser, 9G Commerce Circle, Durham CT 06422 (203-349-1798).
Frederic I. Preffer
Department of Pathology- Cox5
100 Blossom St
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston MA 02114
(617) 726-7481 {fax x2365}

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