sorting primary endothelial cells
Thu, 25 Jul 1996 17:58:55 -0400

I have been using a fluorescently tagged low-density lipoprotein to purify
primary bovine large-vessel endothelial cells isolated via a
collagenase-dispase digestion. Until recently, I have had much success in
obtaining a pure population of endothleial cells utilizing this method.
However, lately the cells have either lost their ability to adhere to a
culture flask or have died due to the sorting process . We are using a
Coulter Epics Flow Cytometer. Has anyone run across such a problem with
endothelial cells or any other adherent cell lines? Or can anyone suggest
another method of purifying a primary culture of endothelial cells from
fibroblast contamination?

Thank you in advance for your responses.

Kristen Aherne
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

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