More on fixing and staining
Thu, 20 Jun 1996 08:43:17 +0100 (BST)

Some papers on intracellular cytokine staining describe protocols for
fixing cells first and then staining them up to 2 days later.

I've found it works for membrane antigens for 48 hours.....longer than
that is not described but you could try it in your lab first and if it
worked it would save you having to bring antibodies to wherever you're going
and label them there.

Here is one of the references:

Openshaw P; Murphy EE; Hosken NA; Maino V; Davis K; Murphy K; O'Garra A.
J Exp Med 1995 Nov 1;182(5):1357-67

What they don't tell you in these papers is that when you take your cells
out of storage to label them, check your sample with a fluorescent
microscope as crystals tend to accumulate and you need to wash them off.

I hope this works

Dearbhaile O' Donnell

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