The ISAC abstract to end all abstracts....
Sun, 8 Oct 1995 18:02:16

I had another idea......(2 this year) so I thought I would mention it
to see if anyone was interested . This MAY NOT WORK OUT SO.......

I have been planning for some time to bring together as much of the
electronic knowledge in cytometry as possible. 6 years ago when we
started the cytometry email list, few people relied on the electronic
media as much as they do now. Things have sort of got out of hand
with the vast amount of electronic here's the

We were thinking of putting together a CD of as much information on
cytometry as we could cram into 650 megs. We would produce the CD
and present it as an abstract at Rimini....(strange abstract) but the
cost of producing it is not small, in fact we would have to charge
about $10 each just to cover the duplication cost (we have to make
several hundred copies). Here's what we would put on it..
Flow Cytometry
1. The entire lifetime questions and answers of the cytometry user
2. Any freeware, shareware software from any platform (PC, MAC, UNIX
etc) that any of the authors will let up put on it?
3. Sample listmode files for each platform for as many situations as
we can get hold of (we will need your help here folks...)
4. An entire NETSCAPE web version of as many cytometry sites as
possible definitely including Guenter Valets in Munich, ours at
Purdue, Dave Coders (U. Wash) and Cytometry somehow linked to run as
a local sample web site from the cd (so people without web access can
see what they are missing)

Image Cytometry
5. Sample Images from confocal/image analysis systems
6. Freeware and or shareware for image analysis

OTHER Possibilities (if I can work this out )
We may invite companies to place samples of their software on the CD
and in return they might help to keep the cost of the CD down!!(Just
thinking about it...!)

Tutorial programs in cytometry.......

A slide set that people might be interested in using (would people
donate their favorite slides (we would scan these as tif/gif/pcx or

what else folks..... Is this another of my pipedreams or is this an
idea whose time has come? Reply to the net with your ideas (but send
me your money!) Actually, I don't have a clue how I can set up a
system that can accept $10 from hundreds of people...Oh well...

J.Paul Robinson, Purdue University Cytometry Labs PH:317-494 6449 FAX:317-494 0517

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL