Re: CD34's

Thu, 25 May 1995 08:19:40 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 24 May 1995, Michael wrote:

> Do
> people believe there is evidence to discriminate CD33+CD34+ cells from
> CD33-CD34+ cells? /Michael Kornstein, MD, Medical College of Virginia,

There are clearly CD34+CD33- cells. These include the CD34+CD10+CD19+ B
lineage precursors, the rare CD34+ CD7+ putative T cell precursors, as
well as less differentiated CD34+ cells. However, since CD33 staining is
not bright among CD34+ cells, one certainly does not see clearcut
"positive" and "negative" populations. If your interest is in picking
out "lineage negative" CD34+ cells, you might do better looking at CD38
negative or low cells (Terstappen et al Blood 77:1218-1227, 1991, among
other publications)

Steve Gore
Johns HOpkins Oncology Center

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