RE: Computers and software
Tue, 7 May 1996 14:59:09 -0400

Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson wrote: >[...] We have been [...] using
Consort 32 HP computers to analyze our patient >data [...] and want to
upgrade our analysis capabilities. [...] We would like >to use an
automatic loader [which] will only run with the MAC.

If you want to automate acquisition, then, as you mentioned, your
choices are limited (for a FACScan or FACSort) to the FACS Loader,
which requires a FACStation, which in turn requires CellQuest to
acquire data. To acquire as many samples as possible, you will want to
limit use of the FACStation(s) controlling the cytometer(s) to
acquisition only, and transfer the data to off-line analysis
computer(s) for analysis.

If you want to automate analysis, then I would suggest that you look at
Attractors or Paint-a-Gate PRO (both require a Macintosh), if you are
doing research (not in vitro diagnostics). Both programs are good at
automating analysis for routine data, like the kind you would expect
from an autoloader loaded with patient samples. They can run unattended
in 'batch' mode, even overnight. You can easily save the results in
spreadsheet format for further analysis and reporting. These features
have been very useful for us.

/\/\/\_ Eric Van Buren,
\ \ \ Analytical Cytometry, Karmanos Cancer Institute and
\_^_/ Immunology & Microbiology, Wayne State University, Detroit,

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