Re: Texas Red Laser Excitation

Thomas Delohery (
Thu, 2 May 1996 19:50:51 +0530

Springtime Greetings to you Kristi,

> We are looking into laser configuration for a new cytometer and
would like >to know if anyone has found an alternative to the dye laser
for excitation of >Texas Red. I have noticed that the Coherent
Spectrum laser puts out about >150mW of 569nm. Would this be
sufficient to excite Texas Red? If you have >found a dye head
alternative, please include the model of cytometer that you >are using,
and laser power output info as well. Thanks, in anticipation.

Yes, we used to light up TRed with a Krypton laser at 568 (or 9) in the
days prior to PE. A potential problem with that line is scatter into
the PE channel. 569 is very close to the transmission max of the
filter we use to detect PE. Even if it is displaced relative to the
488 beam, there is so much scattered laser light relative to
fluorescence it can cause serious problems with the signal-to-noise.
It may work with different filters but .......


 Thomas Delohery                        | Internet: Manager, Flow Cytometry Core Facility  |
 Phone: (212) 639-8729 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |
 Fax: (212) 794-4019 1275 York Ave. Box 98                  | New York,
 NY    10021                  |

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