Re: Another laser question

steven micko (steven_micko@email.eushc.ORG)
Fri, 12 Apr 96 07:52:47 EST

And, as before, the 2nd question concerning the service: do (in US or EC)
the BD people service the lasers in their machines or, do you have to call
Coherent (or whoever had made your laser) to take a look at your optics?




I recently had to have a laser head replaced. Coherent Enterprise. Our
lasers were not under service contract with B-D at the time, so I had
to call Coherent. We paid for the new head, but Coherent's policy here
is that the customer must install the Enterprise laser him/herself.
And since Coherent is not a flow cytometry company, I also had to
align the laser on the bench and align the optics through to the
detectors. These are things to think about, especially if you are not
comfortable in doing all this yourself.

Basically, then, Coherent sold us another Enterprise laser head. We
were on our own for everything else.

However, to be fair, the phone support from both companies was very

Steve Micko

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