Continuous BrdU labelling-Hoechst 33258 assay
Mon, 15 May 1995 13:30:00 -0700

This is in reference to the continuous Brdu labelling-Hoechst
33258 assay (described by Martin Poot, P.Rabinovitich,
M.Kubbies) for studying 3 consecutive cell cycles.

In the assay the Hoechst fluorescence is quenched by Brdu,
which results in a decrease in Hoechst fluorescence of S
phase cells during the first cell cycle.

What is unclear to me is: Why does the Hoechst fluorescence
of S phase cells increase when cells are in the second and
third cell cycles ?.
In the available literature (Methods in Cell Biology, vol
41), the authors suggest that this has something to do with
single or double strand labelling.

Could somebody please explain ?

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