re: Core Facility Workshop
Wed, 5 Apr 95 16:19:57 -0400

Sorry, my email gateway strips the original email header, and this is all I

>From: ROCDEC::"" 4-APR-1995 19:53:27.61
>Subj: Core Facility Workshop

And so, so-and-so <so-and-so's email address> wrote on 4-APR-1995: (at
least I can get the date [almost] right) :)

>I like to get more information about this workshop.

The original "Core Facility Managers Workshop" took place at the ISAC XVII
Congress at Lake Placid. As a followup, a workshop is being planned for the
ISAC XVIII Congress at Rimini. Consult Purdue's Cytometry User Group email
list archives for more discussion on proposed content, available via a web
browser at:
The "thread" was stared on 22-MARCH-1995 by Joe Dynlacht with a message
that had the subject "Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Core Labs". Most
other messages in the thread did NOT use this subject, but it seems that at
least "core" was used as part of the subject.

>How much is it going to

The original workshop was free; however, registration for the Congress was
necessary, and cost US$550 (ISAC member) or US$675 (non member). I would
guess that registration fees for the upcoming Rimini Congress would be
similar. I expect further information about ISAC XVIII from the ISAC web
server when it becomes available ("it" being the information, not the server):

>Can we get some travel funds(!)from some sugar daddy(e.g.,
>manufacturers or antibodies marketters)?

After you find a "sugar daddy" to provide you with the travel funds (round
trip to Rimini, Italy!), give them MY address, too! :) Don't forget to ask
for funding for a week of food and lodging as well! :)

/\/\/\_ Eric Van Buren,
\ \ \ Immunology & Microbiology
\_^_/ Wayne State University

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