Counting foci in images.

Chris Coulon (
Mon, 13 Feb 1995 11:02:28 -0700

I am attempting to measure foci within nuclei of human fibroblast cells.
The cells are immunofluorescence stained and grown on a coverslip. The
images show bright areas of cytoplasm with darker nuclei, within which are
brighter spots or "foci." I cannot isolate the nuclei directly with a
threshold or density slice due to the presence of fluorescent cytoplasm,
but I can outline the individual nuclei in NIH-image and paste them into a
new image. I am interested in both the number of foci within the nuclei as
well as the relative intensity of the fluorescence of those foci. Using
the density slice and varying the LUT levels with the LUT tool isolates the
brightest foci, but omits the dimmer ones. Trying to adjust the tool to
accommodate the dim foci merges all the brighter ones, and gives an
inaccurate count of foci.
Does anyone have any macros or suggestions of how to count and compare foci
of varying brightness, so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel? Thanks
in advance.

Chris Coulon
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Life Sciences Division Human Genome Project

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