Thu, 10 Nov 1994 17:00:00 -0800

Another 2 cents:
We have a core facility with the main site here at the Medical Center (managed
by me) that provides users access to full flow cytometry: analysis and sorting.
No one TOUCHES the FACStarPLUS but me and I/we charge University investigators
$60 per hour (1/4 hr increments) for my time, including graphic reproductions
($115 for non-University). We may start to charge for set-up and cancellations.
There is also a FACScan in the physical lab, but it's not for Core use. Another
site, on the main campus (12 miles away), provides a self-serve FACScan with NO
net work connections (yet).
We have 2 HP's FACSnetted and a PC (Everex 486DX2/50) is running LAN Workplace
(UCSD has a site license). The PC is also on a Ethernet LAN (with direct
Internet access), but the data just stays in the lab.
99.9% of raw data analysis is performed with Lysis II or PAINT-A-GATE, but for
REAL number crunching I use Phoenix Flow's Mcycleav and Mtime. I also sometimes
use Joe Trotter's WinMDI for publication-quality graphics.
I used to use Verity's WHPPC and send data over the GPIO with an IEEE-488. But
with LAN Work Place, I can use Rapid Filer, which is a GUI ftp. The HP is set to
server mode so one can avoid BD's lame Facsnet garbage. I plan to connect the
IEEE-488 to a Consort 30, so users can play all they want on the 'dinosaur'.
All data is archived indefinitely to a Tahini-2 magneto-optical drive (it will
take either 650 MB or 1.2 GB cartridges). I had to add a SCSI adapter to use
this $$$ expensive drive. All costs for equipment and upgrades are absorbed by
the user fees, so we don't charge storage fees.
We could easily survive with out any networking but it's just so cool.


* Dennis J. Young Voice : (619) 543-3928 *
* Flow Cytometry Core Facility FAX : (619) 543-7487 *
* University of California, San Diego USA e-mail: *

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL