EMA Staining Protocol

Rehse, Mark (REHSEMA@cellpro.cellpro.com)
10 Nov 94 11:17:26 PST

I have been working with 5 uM ethidium monoazide (EMA) trying to identify
nonviable cells in a 1% PFA fixed population of cells stained with fitc
and pe conjugated antibodies. Problems I've had are dramatic changes in
light scatter due to either the EMA or the DMSO used to solubilize the
EMA, as well as a gross underestimate of nonviability in comparison to
the same cells unfixed and PI stained. Additionally, the EMA induces a
high fluorescent background. Anyone have any suggestions as to what stock
concentration to make the EMA up in and how to solubilize it? Do people
out there use EMA for this application of is there a better stain? Thanks
in advance.
Mark Rehse Rehsema@cellpro.cellpro.com

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