BD Attractors Overview

Pierre Bierre (
Tue, 26 Jul 1994 16:01:50 GMT

Subject: Time:3:56 PM
OFFICE MEMO BD Attractors Overview Date:7/26/94
In response to Eric Martz who asked what BD Attractors software does:

Attractors is a new data analysis automation package available for off-line
analysis of FACS-acquired listmode data files on the Macintosh.

An "attractor" is a dynamic population gate, defined by the user, which
adapts positionally to tube-to-tube variations in the location of its
associated data cluster using a gravitational attraction algorithm. A set
of attractors, whereby one attractor has been defined for each population of
interest, comprises a complete analysis protocol (called an attractor set).
In general, an attractor set is reusable across tubes prepared under the
same staining protocol.

Attractors is optimized for multiparameter subset analysis (up to
8-parameter data). Populations may be defined hierarchically, i.e.
sub-populations of sub-populations reaching down several levels into a
compartment. Each staining dimension naturally affords another level of
population subsetting. Population statistics are drawn on all populations
and sub-populations the user cares to define. Percentages are automatically
formed relating each subset to all its enclosing supersets.

Visualization features include histogram, 2D dotplot, mouse-rotatable 3D
dotplot, and a new Multi-VU plot useful for viewing higher-order spaces (3D
-> 8D) (yet another try at this folks!).

Attractors offers a new approach to batch data analysis for multi-tube
panels which does not involve MouseTracks and which does offer flexible
automation. A batch protocol consists of sequencing a list of attractor
sets, then specifying a folder containing all the listmode files. Since the
attractor sets are each editable modules, tube-level changes can be
incorporated and batch rerun immediately. Batch output options include
spreadsheet file generation (tab-delimited ASCII with field name headers)
and auto-print. Typical analysis speed for Quadra 800 analyzing 10,000
event, 5-parameter data into 6 populations is 220 files/hour.

Pierre Bierre
Research Computer Scientist
Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems
San Jose, CA

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL