Comments from VayTek's Customers

Dr. Kraig photo

"VayTek has been an excellent resource for our lab. VayTek digital imaging software gives us deconvolution and 3Dimensional reconstruction capabilities. Work in our lab centers on understanding glia, fundamental cells within the brain. VayTek has helped to integrate hardware and software for our demanding research needs.    -- Richard Kraig, Ph. D., M.D.; Department of Neurology, University of Chicago.
astrocyte image

"VayTek's deconvolution and 3D reconstruction software has been at the core of our advanced light microscope imaging facility since 1994. The scientists at VayTek understand our research needs, and they have the expertise to put a whole system together."

Don Phipps
Orange County Water District
Biotechnology Research Department

microbial biofilm




"...VoxBlast knocked my socks off. . . .The 3D images tell me things I didn't know before, and confirm things I suspected, but couldn't show to others. . . The end results you get with VoxBlast are fun. It's so much fun, I can sit here for hours doing it."



"We opted for VayTek's system based on. . .

Confocal Listserver Questions and Answers, Comparing VoxBlast to Voxel View:

From: Guy Cox <guy@EMU.USYD.EDU.AU>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.confocal
Date: Sunday, May 31, 1998 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: SGI problems

On the basis of cost vs. performance, what Windows or Mac software would fulfill needs for
1) for volume surface rendering and rotation, and
2) for volume rendering combined with the ability to calculate volumes and distances between points on a surface?

"We use both Voxel View from Vital Images, on SGI platforms, and VoxBlast (Vaytek Systems) on PCs. VoxelView is certainly more user friendly and is easier for a beginner to get started with, but VoxBlast is very powerful and in our experience people get to love it once they know it."

Dr. Guy Cox,
E.M. Unit, F09
Univ of Sydney
NSW 2006, Australia

Hello confocalists,
Does anyone out there has any experience/comments on the software package for volume rendering VoxBlast for Win95? Thanks for any tips.

"I use it and like it. I also have Voxel-View on the Silicon Graphics. Voxel-view has the slicker interface but VoxBlast is more versatile once you get into it. VoxBlast also reads a much wider range of file formats. Of course PC hardware has its limitations and if you are getting VoxBlast you should be thinking of a very highly specified PC - we use a Pentium 166 with 128MB RAM."

Dr. Guy Cox,
E.M. Unit, F09
Univ of Sydney
NSW 2006, Australia

"In addition to the high quality images we were impressed by the flexibility of VayTek's software and its usefulness for many types of applications. After almost two years of comparisons of cameras, computers, and especially, software we think we have made the right choice in terms of a high quality system with the flexibility that we need for multiple users."

"VayTek's MicroTome software is absolutely key to my work. The need is to have some method of removing out-of-focus haze whether that is laser scanning confocal or MicroTome, the digital approach. The MicroTome software works great for me! Is is so economical in comparison and the images I get are comparable. But there is no comparison in terms of the cost. There is no way I could do the research I'm doing if this product didn't exist."

"MicroTome does the job where the scanning confocal does not. It has to do with light sensitivity. You can see certain images with VayTek's MicroTome software where you can't see anything at all with scanning confocal."

"I just wanted to let you know. that I have purchased VoxBlast for Windows 3.1. I am using it to research fetal craniofacial growth and development.

Chris MacLean was the rep I worked with to purchase this software.

.... Great Program, simple to use and excellent graphic rerndering for a PC. I used to work on an SGI with Voxel View!"

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