Internet Fascination and Frustration

A Timesaver Proposal to CytometryNet Sites


  • Internet Operation
  • CytoRelay
  • - Fascination and frustration with the present www-Internet performance are close together considering the promising potential for cytometry in comparison to the frequently long waiting times for data transfer as a practical drawback. Waiting times are especially long for transport of graphic information or flow cytometry and image data files. Since both elements are central to cytometric work, the elimination of network waiting times is very essential for the scientific progress in this field.

    - Personal network waiting times can be avoided by the distribution of periodically updated CD-ROMs or by automated FTP-downloads of compressed web-pages from different sites including image and audio/visual files.

    - An interesting application of this represents the installation of selfupdating cytometric www-mirror sites e.g. at Purdue, ISAC or Martinsried by FTP-upload of compressed files.

    - While CD-ROMs are of interest for the periodic distribution of mass data like image, audio/visual, software, data repositories, and educational files (e.g. STEP, TATIANA) or company information with catalogues, the off/on-line Internet FTP-transfer or www-mirror approach is suitable for fast updates

    - The proposal is therefore that cytometric laboratories interested in this concept make their .htm and .GIF files available on FTP(anonymous) servers for download and provide the appropriate download links on their home pages.

    - The details of the proposed approach are explained in the "Off-line Internet" chapter on this node.

  • Internet Operation
  • CytoRelay

  • Off-line Internet, a timesaver !

    Download all Martinsried cytometry pages, check the concept, follow the installation instructions (PC) and display text and graphics from your harddisk without network delay

    For problems or comments, please contact:
    G.Valet E-mail:, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany, Tel: +49/89/8578-2518, -2525, Fax: +49/89/8578-2563, INTERNET address:
    Last Update: Nov.11, 1996