endocytosis and intracellular antigen staining

Barbara Butcher (bab26@cornell.edu)
Tue, 2 Sep 1997 06:35:51 -0400

hello again:

i've been following endocytosis (using dextran-labeled texas red) of a
glycoprotein (detected by FITC immunofluorescence) with confocal
microscopy. now i am interested in determining if the glycoprotein is
increasing the endocytic activity of my cell line. i think i will be able
to do this using a facscalibur (i.e., by looking for an increased
fluorescence intensity due to dextran uptake). the texas red isn't
compatible with the 488 line. can anyone suggest a conjugate that would be
appropriate (and not pH sensitive, as i do not want to lose signal in late
endosomes)? also, who, besides molecular probes, carries fluorescent

as always, i appreciate your help.


barbara butcher

Barbara A. Butcher, Ph.D.
James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health
Hungerford Hill Road
Cornell University
College of Veterinary Medicine
Ithaca, New York 14853

(607) 256-5647 Lab
(607) 256-5618 Office
(607) 256-5608 FAX