Help - FACStar Plus Lower Display Panel blocked (Urgent !)

Matthias Haury (
Thu, 21 Aug 1997 17:22:44 +0200

Bonsoir everybody,

I have a "little" annoying problem on a FACStar Plus with the SEM. The
lower console is blocked, all the parameters and voltages are at 0. And
that means that I can't sort. The upper Console works, Testsort works as
well, although very noisy...

The SEM status LED tells a GPIO error, but I have checked the cables, and
when I disconnect the SEM, I still have the same problem (using the GPIO
Card that came with the SEM, as well as the original one from the Star

I heard that the battery could cause a problem like this, but if I
disconnect the battery, then nothing changes. Does the FACStar Plus require
the battery to work ?

If anyone of you already had a similar problem I would really appreciate
hearing from you asap.

The BDIS Specialists here in France are can't show up before late tomorrow,
and I have a couple of urgent sortings.

Thanks you very much.

Cheers, Matthias

Matthias Haury Flowcytometry Dept Immunology Institut Pasteur Tel: 33 (01) 40 61 31 29 Fax: 33 (01) 45 68 86 39