MoFlo Users Meeting

Sales (
Mon, 11 Aug 1997 12:43:57 -0600

To: cyto-inbox

From: Noah Hadas

Re: MoFlo Users’ Meeting

To take advantage of the next ISAC meeting’s close proximity to Cytomation, we would
like to invite you to attend our first MoFlo Users’ Meeting. This notice is primarily
to advise you of our plans and to solicit your input. Please e-mail any comments you
have on the following, especially whether you will be able to attend or not.

What: MoFlo Users’ Meeting

Where: Cytomation, Inc. headquarters in Fort Collins, CO. We are approximately 130
miles north of Colorado Springs where ISAC XIX will be held. It is an easy 2-hour drive
along the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies. Fort Collins is also conveniently
located near Rocky Mountain National Park, and many ski areas. For those people who
will not have a car, we will provide transportation from ISAC to Cytomation and from
Cytomation to DIA (Denver International Airport).

When: Friday, March 6, 1998. The meeting will start at noon to allow travel time from
Colorado Springs. It will conclude with a banquet that evening. Transportation to DIA
will be provided the following morning.

Who: All MoFlo Users. Please circulate this notice to anyone in your group that
might be interested.

Proposed Agenda: Cytomation personnel will make presentations on
· Engineering improvements
· New product developments
· Applications
· Cytomation’s future plans
In addition, an open session will be held for input from you on any topic, problem area,
suggestion, etc.

As stated above, please e-mail us with any comments you have. We will refine the agenda
based on the input we receive.

We look forward to seeing you all at ISAC XIX and at Cytomation.
