GCSF levels

Arnold Pizzey (a.pizzey@ucl.ac.uk)
Mon, 11 Aug 1997 10:55:41 +0000

Greetings Meral,

I have been looking at g-csf receptor expression on myloid cells
using the method of Shinjo-K; Takeshita-A; Ohnishi-K; Ohno-R
(Br-J-Haematol. 1995 Dec; 91(4): 783-94), I don't have it to hand, but I
seem to recall that they detected (a low level of) g-csf receptor on U937
cells, I guess that you might use these to standardize your assay. We have
some frozen down, but I would imagine that you could get hold of them a lot
easier than shiping them from us to you.

By the by, I find the above technique gives outstanding sensitivity.
In our hands, it seems that detection is possible at very low level. You
may find however, that if you are using a modified version of the Shinjo et
al method for example using PE, FITC (or indeed another company's brand of
PE-CY5) the sensitivity may not be up to detecting low U937 receptor

By all means drop me a line if you think I can be of any further

Best wishes

>Hi Everyone!
>I am posting this message to the list for Dr. Meral Beksac. You may
>respond directly to her: beksac@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu or post a
>response to the list and I will pass it on to her.
>> I am interested in the detection of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor
>receptor levels by flow cytometry. Do you use a cell line which has
>standard GCSFR expression to be able to quantitate the level of expression?
>If possible I would like to receive a sample or learn the source.
>Meral Beksac