CD34+ eosinophils???
Tue, 5 Aug 1997 08:55:31 +1000 (EST)

Dear Flowers,

Help! We have an 83 y.o.male patient with ?MDS, WBC 7.6 X 10exp9/L,
neutrophils 3.9,
lymphocytes 2.3,
monocytes 0.7,
eosinophils 0.7.
On flow, 8% of his cells form a discrete population which is CD45+
(intensity between neutrophils and lymphocytes), CD14 weakly positive
(intensity just above neutrophils), CD34+CD33+. On the FSC / SSC plot they
fall where I expect to find eosinophils (i.e. to the upper left of
neutrophils), and on logSSC/ CD45, to the right of where neutrophils are
supposed to be. What am I looking at?

Thanks in anticipation,