This chapter is adapted from a protocol developed jointly by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in response to a recommendation from the workshop. The protocol is being submitted for IRB approval.
    To assess the potential risk for a B-cell neoplasm associated with exposure to hazardous waste, the workshop epidemiology working group proposed a case/control study that would combine ATSDR's information on hazardous waste sites with health data from the NCI. Neoplasms that predominantly originate from B-lymphocytes include chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), and multiple myeloma (MM). The following specific question will be addressed in this case-control analysis: “Is there an association between residential proximity to hazardous waste sites and the risk of CLL, NHL, or MM?”
    The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) In 1976, Congress enacted RCRA, the first comprehensive federal attempt to deal with the problem of solid waste. A waste is considered to be hazardous if it has the following characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxic extraction procedures.
    Wastes that are exempted include: household wastes; agricultural wastes that are returned to the ground as fertilizer; mining overburden that is returned to the mine site; utility wastes from coal combustion; oil and natural gas explosion drilling waste; and, wastes from the extraction, benefaction, and processing of ores and minerals (eg, coal, cement kiln dust wastes, arsenic
treated wastes, and certain chromium bearing wastes).
    In 1984, the act was amended to apply the statute to “small quantity” producers.  RCRA does not address abandoned or inactive sites. It does not regulate radioactive wastes, which are defined and covered by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. RCRA applies to generators of hazardous wastes, waste transporters, and treatment/storage/disposal facilities.
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
and Liability Act (CERCLA, Superfund)
    In December 1980, Congress enacted the first comprehensive federal law to respond to releases of hazardous substances to the environment. The goal of Superfund is to provide immediate cleanup of hazardous waste contamination from an accidental spill or from chronic environmental damage (eg, an abandoned hazardous waste disposal site).
    Under Superfund, the EPA revised and expanded the National Contingency Plan (NCP). The revised plan is formally known as the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan. The NCP lists several phases for response to releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants.  Phase I is the discovery and notification phase: sites identified here make up the CERCLA Information System (CERCLIS) listing.
    Superfund also required EPA to establish a National Priorities List (NPL).  Sites added to the NPL are considered priority sites for remedial action.
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)
    The TRI was authorized by Title III (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act) of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986. This act regulates facilities with 10 or more full-time employees that release more than threshold quantities of covered chemicals.  The TRI contains information on environmental releases (to air, water, land, or underground injection) for approximately 300 chemicals (or chemical categories) from facilities in Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes 20 through 39. EPA is required to collect these data nationally on an annual basis.
Rationale for Study Design
    In environmental epidemiology it is often difficult and expensive to assemble “exposed” and “unexposed” cohorts large enough to compare the risk of a specific outcome. For these rare outcomes, there is considerably more efficiency in a population-based case-control study that assembles cases from registries (or other methods of “complete” case ascertainment) and compares them to controls randomly selected from the same general population.  The case-control is especially appropriate for the study described in this protocol, since health data is available from the NCI and exposure data from ATSDR.
    Exposures (including potential confounders) were assessed retrospectively by direct interview (in person or by telephone) with the participant (case or control) or a proxy if the subject is deceased or too ill to participate. A surrogate measure of exposure to hazardous waste sites (site distance) will be determined after mapping residential addresses and hazardous waste sites using the geographic information system (GIS) system. While site distance is an imperfect surrogate measure of exposure, it is considered both economical and relatively unbiased (1).
Case Definition (Dependent Variables of Interest)
    The outcomes of interest are CLL, NHL, and multiple myeloma (MM).   The three variables representing these outcomes will be dichotomous (dependent) variables for disease status. In essence, there will be a separate analysis for each of the three outcomes (dependent variables) and a combined analysis to assess the association between exposure and developing any B-cell neoplasm (CLL, NHL, or MM).
Exposure Classification (Primary Independent Variable)
    CERCLIS sites, RCRA sites, NPL sites, TRI sites, and residential addresses of participants will be converted into geocoded data (ie, latitude and longitude). This data will be entered into the ATSDR GIS system to generate a variable for “site distance,” the distance in miles between the residences of participants (cases and controls) and the nearest hazardous waste site(s).
    For individual analyses, “site distance” will be based on the distance from a residence to various types of “hazardous waste sites.” This approach should make it possible to rank the risk associated with different types of sites (eg, do NPL sites pose more risk for these health outcomes than a CERCLIS site not listed on the NPL?).
    While the potential for exposure can be divided into multiple categories (eg, none, low, high), the middle group (as defined by site distance) is more likely to be affected by misclassification. While some information may be lost with fewer exposure categories, the validity of the study may be enhanced using a dichotomous classification of exposure (1). In the present analysis, the exposure status of cases and controls will be classified as follows:

              (1) “exposed” (site distance £1 mile); or,
              (2) “unexposed” (site distance >1 mile).

Data Sources
    For the analyses described in this protocol, the health-related data has already been collected by the NCI and four participating states during the 1980's in three separate studies:

              (1) The Kansas Health and Occupation Study;
              (2) A Study of Health and Environmental Factors Affecting Rural Men (The FARM
                   Study in Iowa/Minnesota); and,
              (3) The Nebraska Health Study (conducted in eastern Nebraska).
    These three studies (Iowa/Minnesota, Kansas, and Nebraska) collected data on cases of certain hematologic malignancies (including NHL, CLL, and MM) and frequency-matched controls. The studies were all population-based case-control studies with questionnaires directed towards potential cancer risk factors, including pesticide use, family medical history, occupation, use of tobacco products, and alcohol use. While the questionnaires differed somewhat, the information was collected under similar circumstances and many of the data elements were similar. NCI has produced a composite database using information from the three studies.

Risk Factors (Potential Confounders)
    Age. The incidence of CLL, NHL, and MM increases with age. The age of participants will be determined from the “date of birth” to the “date of interview,” or to the “date of death.”
    Cases and controls were frequently matched on age and all analyses will be adjusted for age using the following categories:

              (1) 59 years or less;
              (2) 60-69 years;
              (3) 70-79 years; and,
              (4) 80 or more years.
    The factors that follow have been associated with risk or CLL and/or HNL in these study populations and will be evaluated as potential confounders and effect modifiers.
    Education. To attempt to control for effects of socioeconomic status, education levels of the participants will be categorized as follows:

              (1) less than 12 years;
              (2) equal to 12 years (completed high school); and,
              (3) greater than 12 years.
    Family History of Cancer. These and other studies have suggested that an individual's risk of hematologic/lymphatic cancer is influenced by genetic factors. Patients who develop these malignancies are more likely to have relatives that with hematologic/lymphatic cancer, other selected cancers, or even all cancers (2, 3, 4, 5). Family history (regarding cancer) will be categorized as:

              (1) no first degree relatives with cancer;
              (2) first degree relatives with other cancers (besides lymphatic/hematopoietic); and,
              (3) first degree relatives with lymphatic/hematopoietic cancer.
    Occupation. Some studies have suggested that farmers are at increased risk for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (6, 7, 8) and possibly for multiple myeloma (9). Farming will be evaluated with a dichotomous variable for ever “living or working on a farm.”
    Pesticides. Several pesticides have been associated with NHL. The “use” of several classes of pesticides will be characterized as follows:

              (1) a dichotomous variable for ever using crop insecticides;
              (2) a dichotomous variable for ever using herbicides;
              (3) a dichotomous variable for ever using fungicides;
              (4) a dichotomous variable for ever using organochlorines;
              (5) a dichotomous variable for ever using organophosphates; and,
              (6) using 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid.
    Proxy Status. When the case or control is deceased or too ill to participate, researchers often turn to proxy respondents. There is, however, evidence that the information from proxy respondents is not always consistent with information from direct interviews (10). The effect of proxy status will be evaluated using a dichotomous variable.
    Tobacco Products. Tobacco contains numerous carcinogens and has well established associations with many cancers. A relationship between tobacco use and leukemia among white men was reported in a population based case-control study in Iowa and Minnesota (11). The study (during 1981-1984) included 578 cases and 820 controls. Most pertinent to the issue
of a monoclonal B-lymphocytosis, the odds ratio comparing the odds of CLL among tobacco users (in any form) to the odds among nonusers was 1.6 (95% CI= 1.1 - 2.3) (never used tobacco in any form).
    Therefore, tobacco use will be categorized as a dichotomous variable (“ever” or “never” used tobacco).


    The analyses will proceed as follows:

              (1) simple descriptive statistics for each variable;
              (2) crude odds ratios associating each risk factor with outcomes of interest;
              (3) stratified analyses will be used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (using the
                   Mantel-Haenzel estimate) if the Breslow-Day Test is consistent with homogeneity of
                   odds ratios across strata; and,
              (4) the potential for interaction (effect modification) between exposure to hazardous
                   waste and selected risk factors will be evaluated.
    Multiple logistic regression will be used to obtain a summary odds ratio (associating exposure with outcome) while controlling simultaneously for multiple confounders.

    As a federal public health agency, ATSDR is bound by federal law regarding the protection of the confidentiality of study participants. Under the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a(e)), employees of federal agencies are responsible for protecting data collected on identifiable persons or organizations where the supplier of the information has not given the agency consent to make that data public.
    These data will be used only for research and statistical purposes. No information with personal identifiers (name, address, or social security number) will be released in the form of a report or publication and none of the study subjects will be contacted. The protocol will follow provisions to ensure appropriate confidentiality of personal information.
  1. Shalat SL. Can we use distance to study disease? In: Andrews JS, Askew LO, Bucsela JA,
      Hoffman DA, Johnson BL, Xintaras C, eds. Proceedings of the Fourth National
      Environmental Health Conference. San Antonio, 1990; 33-38.
  2. Cartwright RA, McKinney PA, O'Brien C, Richards DG, Roberts B, Lauder I, Darwin CM,
      Bernard SM, Bird CC. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: case control epidemiological study in
      Yorkshire. Leukemia Res 1988; 12(1): 81-8.
  3. Linet MS, van Natta ML, Brookmeyer R, Khoury MJ, McCaffrey LD, Humphrey RL, Szklo
      M. Familial cancer history and chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a case-control study. Am J
      Epidemiol 1989; 130(40):655-64.
  4. Rodovanovic Z, Markovic-Denic L, Jankovic S. Cancer mortality of family members of
      patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1994; 211-13.
  5. Ward MH, Zahm SH, Weisenburger DD, Gridley G, Cantor KP, Saal RC, Blair A. Dietary
      factors and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Nebraska (United States). Cancer Causes and
      Control 1994; 5:422-32.
  6. Cantor KP, AG Everett, Gibson R, Burmeister LF, Brown LM, Schuman L, Dick FR.
      Pesticides and other agricultural risk factors for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among men in
      Iowa and Minnesota. Cancer Res 1992; 52:2447-55.
  7. Pearce N, Bethwaite P. Increasing incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: occupational and
      environmental factors. Cancer Res 1992; 52(suppl): 5496s-5500s.
  8. Scherr PA, Hutchison GB, Neiman RS. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and occupational
      exposure. Cancer Res 1992; 52(suppl.)5503s-5509s.
  9. Brown LM, Burmeister LF, Everett GD, Blair A. Pesticide exposures and multiple myeloma
      in Iowa men. Cancer Causes & Control. 1993; 4(2):153-6.
10. Johnson RA, Mandel JS, Gibson RW, Mandel JH, Bender AP, Gunderson PD, Renier CM
    . Data on prior pesticide use collected from self-and proxy respondents. Epidemiology 1993;
11. Brown LM, Gibson RA, Burmeister LF, Schuman LM, Cantor KP, Fraumeni JF. Smoking
      and risk of leukemia. Am J Epidemiol 1992; 135(7):763-8.
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