(Participants unable to attend the meeting in Atlanta are indicated as “In Absentia”)

William H. Adler                                                C. Bruce Bagwell [In Absentia]
NIA; Gerontology Research Center;                     PO Box 247
Room 4C02; Box 21                                            Verity Software House, Inc.
National Institutes of Health                                   45 A Augusta Road
4940 Eastern Avenue                                            Topsham, Maine 04086
Baltimore, Maryland 21224                                   Voice: 207-729-6767
Voice: 410-558-8182                                           FAX: 207-729-5443
FAX: 410-558-8284                                            Email:
Robert W. Amler                                                Maurice Barcos
Mailstop E31                                                        Department of Pathology
Agency for Toxic Substances and                          Roswell Park Cancer Institute
     Disease Registry                                               Elm and Carlton Streets
1600 Clifton Road                                                 Buffalo, New York 14263
Atlanta, Georgia                                                     Voice: 716-845-4443
Voice: 404-639-6200                                            FAX: 716-845-8077
FAX: Not available                                                Email:
Email: Not available                                      

John S. Andrews                                                  F. Barriga [In Absentia]
Mailstop E28                                                         Centro de Investigaciones Medicas;
Agency for Toxic Substances and                           Escuela de Medicina
       Disease Registry                                              Ponpificia Universidad Catolica
1600 Clifton Road                                                        de Chile
Atlanta, Georgia 30333                                          Marcoleta 391
Voice: 404-639-0708                                            Santiago, Chile
FAX: 404-639-0586                                             Voice:56-2-639-6669
Email: JSA1@CDC.GOV                                      FAX: 56-2-632-1924

Garth Austen                                                       Steven R. Bauer
Pathology                                                              Bldg. 29B, Room 2E-16
Atlanta VA Medical Center (113)                          Food and Drug Administration
1670 Clairmont                                                     8800 Rockville Pike
Atlanta, Georgia 30033-4098                                Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Voice: 404-321-6111 ext. 2049                            Voice: 301-827-0684
FAX: 404-235-3007                                             FAX: 301-827-0449
Email:                                    Email: BAUER@FDA.GOV

Pablo Bertin                                                        Joseph Chrest [In Absentia]
Centro de Investigaciones Medicas;                       NIA; Gerontology Research Center;
Escuela de Medicina                                              Room 4C18; Box 21
Ponpificia Universidad Catolica de Chile                National Institutes of Health
Marcoleta 391                                                      4940 Eastern Avenue
Santiago, Chile                                                      Baltimore, Maryland 21224
Voice:56-2-639-6669                                           Voice: 410-558-8440
FAX:56-2-632-1924                                            FAX: 410-558-8284
Email:                            Email: JCHREST@GRC.NIA.NIH.GOV

Aaron Blair                                                          Perry Cohn [In Absentia]
National Cancer Institute; EPN 418                        Environmental Health Service, CN 360
National Institutes of Health                                    New Jersey Department of Health
6130 Executive Blvd.                                             210 S. Broad St.
Bethesda, Maryland 20892                                    Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0360
Voice: 301-496-9093                                            Voice: 609-984-2193
FAX: 301-402-1819                                             FAX: 609-984-2192
Email:                            Email: Not available

Robert A. Bray [In Absentia]                              Daniel P. Collins
Department of Pathology                                         BioErgonomics
Emory University Hospital                                       4332 Centerville Road
1364 Clifton Road                                                  White Bear, Minnesota 55127
Atlanta, Georgia 30322                                           Voice: 612-426-6466
Voice: 404-712-7317                                             FAX: 612-426-5740
FAX: 404-712-4717                                              Email: Not available

Raul C. Braylan                                                    Janet Cuttner
Department of Pathology and                                   Dept. of Medicine, Box 1079
Laboratory Medicine; Room D633                          The Mount Sinai Medical Center
(PO Box 100275)                                                   5 East 98th Street
University of Florida College of                                New York, New York 10029
     Medicine                                                            Voice: 212-241-6481
1600 SW Archer Road                                            FAX: 212-987-5584
Gainesville, Florida 32610                                        Email:
Voice: 352-392-3477                                              J_CUTTNER@SMTPLINK.MSSM.EDU
FAX: 352-392-4693

Neil Caporaso [In Absentia]                                 Albert Donnenberg
National Cancer Institute; EPN 439                          Montefiore University Hospital
National Institutes of Health                                      University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
6130 Executive Blvd.                                               3459 5th Avenue
Bethesda, Maryland 20892                                      Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
Voice: 301-496-4375                                              Voice: 412-624-9599
FAX: 301-402-4489                                               FAX: 412-624-9624
Email:                        Email:

Guy Faguet                                                            Chuck Goolsby [In Absentia]
111N                                                                       Wesley Pavilion, Room 528
VA Medical Center Augusta                                     Northwestern University Medical School
VA Medical Center                                                  250 E. Superior Street
Augusta, Georgia 30912                                           Chicago, IL 60611
Voice: 706-823-2200                                               Voice: 312-908-2430
FAX: 706-823-3962                                                FAX: 312-503-2840

Helen Fernandes                                                    G. Grebe [In Absentia]
Department of Pathology; MSC553                          Centro de Investigaciones Medicas;
UMDNJ / New Jersey Medical School                     Escuela de Medicina
185 South Orange Ave.                                            Ponpificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Newark, New Jersey 07103                                     Marcoleta 391
Voice: 201-982-3339                                               Santiago, Chile
FAX: 201-982-7293                                                Voice: 56-2-639-6669
Email:                                        FAX: 56-2-632-1924

Thomas A. Fleisher                                               Frank D. Groves
Bldg. 10, Room 2C410                                            EPN 415; National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health                                      National Institutes of Health
9000 Rockville Pike                                                 6130 Executive Blvd.
Bethesda, Maryland 20892                                      Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Voice: 301-496-4120                                              Voice: 301-496-4153
FAX: 301-402-1884                                               FAX: 301-402-0081
Email: THOMAS.FLEISHER@NIH.GOV              Email:

Woody Garrett                                                     W. Harry Hannon
Mailstop E60                                                          Mailstop F19
Agency for Toxic Substances and                            Centers for Disease Control and
     Disease Registry                                                        Prevention
1600 Clifton Road                                                   4770 Buford Highway
Atlanta, Georgia 30333                                           Atlanta, Georgia 30341
Voice: 404-639-0500                                             Voice: 404-488-7965
FAX: 404-639-0522                                              FAX: 404-488-4831
Email: WAG1@CDC.GOV                                    Email: WHH1@CDC.GOV

Bernard Goldstein [In Absentia]                         Ron Harbeck [In Absentia]
Environmental Occupational Health                         Clinical Laboratories
Sciences Institute                                                    National Jewish Center for Immunology
University Medicine and Dentistry of                             and Respiratory Medicine
      New Jersey/Rutgers                                         1400 Jackson Street
681 Frelinghuysen Road                                         Denver, Colorado 80206
Piscataway, New Jersey 08855                              Voice: 303-398-1337
Voice: 908-445-0200                                            FAX: 303-398-1780
FAX: 908-445-0131                                             Email: HARBECKR@NJC.ORG

Clark Heath                                                         Barry L. Johnson [In Absentia]
American Cancer Society                                       Mailstop E28
1599 Clifton Road                                                 Agency for Toxic Substances and
Atlanta, Georgia 30329                                                 Disease Registry
Voice: 404-329-7686                                            1600 Clifton Road
FAX: 404-321-4669                                             Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Email:                                      Voice: 404-639-0700
                                                                              FAX: 404-639-0744
                                                                              Email: BLJ2@CDC.GOV

L. Omar Henderson                                             Thomas J. Kipps
Mailstop F19                                                         Clinical Sciences Bldg., Rm. 104
Centers for Disease Control and                             Department of Medicine
     Prevention                                                         University of California San Diego
4770 Buford Highway                                             9500 Gilman Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30341                                           La Jolla, California 92093-0663
Voice: 404-488-7972                                             Voice: 619-534-5417
FAX: 404-488-4831                                              FAX: 619-534-5620
Email:                                              Email:

Craig Hooper                                                        Nancy C. Lee
Mailstop D02                                                          Mailstop K52
Centers for Disease Control and                              Centers for Disease Control and
     Prevention                                                                 Prevention
1600 Clifton Road                                                   1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30333                                           Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Voice: 404-639-3750                                             Voice: 770-488-4226
FAX: 404-639-3991                                              FAX: 770-488-4760
Email: WOH1@CDC.GOV                                    Email: NCL1@CDC.GOV

Roy T. Ing                                                             Virginia Lee [In Absentia]
Mailstop F28                                                           Mailstop E31
Centers for Disease Control and                               Agency for Toxic Substances and
     Prevention                                                                  Disease Registry
4770 Buford Highway                                              1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30341                                            Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Voice: 770-488-7317                                              Voice: 404-639-6056
FAX: 770-488-7301                                               FAX: Not available
Email:                                                 Email: Not available

Richard Jackson [In Absentia]                             Rodica Lenkei
Mailstop F29                                                           CALAB Medical Laboratory
Centers for Disease Control and                               Katarinavagen 15, Plan C.
     Prevention                                                           (PO Box 15 404)
4770 Buford Highway                                              Stockholm, Sweden 104 65
Atlanta, Georgia 30341                                            Voice:46-08-615-9548
Voice: 770-488-7000                                              FAX:46-08-642-7007
FAX: 770-488-7015                                               Email: Not available
Michael D. Lewin                                                  Russell L. Maiese
Mailstop E31                                                           Department of Pathology and
Agency for Toxic Substances and                             Laboratory Medicine; Room D633
     Disease Registry                                                 (PO Box 100275)
1600 Clifton Road                                                  University of Florida College of
Atlanta, Georgia 30333                                                  Medicine
Voice: 404-639-6201                                             1600 SW Archer Road
FAX: 404-639-6220                                              Gainesville, Florida 32610
Email:                                              Voice: 352-392-3477
                                                                               FAX: 352-392-4693

P. Lira [In Absentia]                                            Joseph B. Margolick [In Absentia]
Centro de Investigaciones Medicas;                        Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and
Escuela de Medicina                                                       Public Health
Ponpificia Universidad Catolica de Chile                 615 N. Wolfe Street
Marcoleta 391                                                       Baltimore, Maryland 21205-2179
Santiago, Chile                                                       Voice: 410-955-1436
Voice: 56-2-639-6669                                           FAX: 410-955-0116
FAX: 56-2-632-1924                                            Email:
Email: Not available

Michael Luster [In Absentia]                              Gerald E. Marti
Bldg. 101                                                                Bldg. 29B, Room 2NN08
CDC, NIOSH                                                         Food and Drug Administration
1095 Willowdale Road                                            8800 Rockville Pike
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505                          Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Voice: 304-285-6060                                             Voice: 301-827-0453
FAX: 304-285-5708                                               FAX: 301-827-0449
Email: MYL6@CDC.GOV                                     Email: GEMARTI@HELIX.NIH.GOV

Jeffrey A. Lybarger                                             Michael A. McGeehin
Mailstop E31                                                          Mailstop F46
Agency for Toxic Substances and                            Centers for Disease Control and
     Disease Registry                                                         Prevention
1600 Clifton Road                                                   1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30333                                           Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Voice: 404-639-6200                                             Voice: 770-488-7351
FAX: 404-639-6220                                               FAX: 770-488-3506
Email: JAL2@CDC.GOV                                       Email: MAM7@CDC.GOV

C. Meller [In Absentia]                                        Robert A. Metcalf
Centro de Investigaciones Medicas;                         Bldg. 29B
Escuela de Medicina                                                Food and Drug Administration
Ponpificia Universidad Catolica de Chile                  8800 Rockville Pike
Marcoleta 391                                                        Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Santiago, Chile                                                        Voice: 301-827-0677
Voice: 56-2-639-6669                                            FAX: 301-827-0449
FAX: 56-2-632-1924                                             Email:
Email: Not available                                                 RMETCALF@HELIX.NIH.GOV

Anne K. Mellinger-Birdsong                                Dannie C. Middleton
Mailstop F35                                                           Mailstop E31
Centers for Disease Control and                               Agency for Toxic Substances and
     Prevention                                                                  Disease Registry
4770 Buford Highway                                              1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30341                                            Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Voice: 404-488-7628                                              Voice: 404-639-6201
FAX: 770-488-7044                                                FAX: 404-639-6219
Email: AKM0@CDC.GOV                                     Email: DCM2@CDC.GOV

Nancy K. Meredith                                               Jackie Muller [In Absentia]
Mailstop F19                                                           Bldng29B
Centers for Disease Control and                               Food and Drug Administration
     Prevention                                                           8800 Rockville Pike
4770 Buford Highway                                              Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Atlanta, Georgia 30341                                            Voice: 301-827-0453
Voice: 404-488-7897                                              FAX: 301-827-0449
FAX: 770-488-4831                                               Email: Not available

Susan W. Metcalf                                                  Janet K. Nicholson
Mailstop E31                                                           Mailstop A25
Agency for Toxic Substances and                             Centers for Disease Control and
     Disease Registry                                                          Prevention
1600 Clifton Road                                                    1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30333                                            Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Voice: 404-639-6203                                              Voice: 404-639-3436
FAX: 404-639-6912                                                FAX: 404-639-2108
Email: SWM1@CDC.GOV                                     Email: JKN1@CDC.GOV

Chin-Yih Ou [In Absentia]                                     Frederick A. Ramsey
Mailstop F24                                                            Mailstop E31
Centers for Disease Control and                                Agency for Toxic Substances and
     Prevention                                                                    Disease Registry
4770 Buford Highway                                               1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30341                                             Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Voice: 770-488-4625                                               Voice: 404-639-6202
FAX: 770-488-4141                                                 FAX: 404-639-6219
Email: CHO2@CDC.GOV                                       Email: FAR0@CDC.GOV

Rossanne Philen [In Absentia]                               Laura Rassenti [In Absentia]
Mailstop F46                                                             Clinical Sciences Bldg., Rm. 104;
Centers for Disease Control and                                 Department of Medicine
     Prevention                                                             University of California San Diego
4770 Buford Highway                                                9500 Gilman Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30341                                              La Jolla, California 92093
Voice: 404-488-7299                                                Voice: 619-534-5417
FAX: 770-488-3506                                                  FAX: 619-534-5620
Email: RHP2@CDC.GOV                                         Email: Not available

Judy Powell                                                              Michael Rich
Mailstop F19                                                             Mailstop F20
Centers for Disease Control and                                 Centers for Disease Control and
     Prevention                                                                    Prevention
4770 Buford Highway                                                4770 Buford Highway
Atlanta, Georgia 30341                                              Atlanta, Georgia 30341
Voice: 770-488-7899                                                Voice: 404-488-7953
FAX: 770-488-4609                                                  FAX: 770-488-4839
Email: JUP1@CDC.GOV                                          Email: MJR1@CDC.GOV

Jim Price [In Absentia]                                            C. Risueno [In Absentia]
Flow Cytometry Lab (BA 135)                                   Centro de Investigaciones Medicas;
VA/Vanderbuilt University Medical                             Escuela de Medicina
     Centers                                                                  Ponpificia Universidad Catolica
1310 24th Avenue, South                                                  de Chile
Nashville, TN 37212                                                   Marcoleta 391
Voice: 615-327-4751 ext. 5859                                  Santiago, Chile
FAX: 615-327-5348                                                  Voice: 56-2-639-6669
Email:                                                                          FAX: 56-2-632-1924
PRICE.JAMES_.NASHVILLE.VA.GOV                  Email: Not available

Robert Ritchie                                                          Sara M. Sarasua
PO Box 190                                                               Mailstop E31
Foundation for Blood Research                                   Agency for Toxic Substances and
69 US Route #1                                                                 Disease Registry
Scarborough, Maine 04070                                        1600 Clifton Road
Voice: 207-883-4131                                                Atlanta, Georgia 30333
FAX: 207-883-1527                                                 Voice: 404-639-6201
Email: Not available                                                    FAX: 404-639-6912
                                                                                  Email: SMS7@CDC.GOV

Bruce A. Robbins [In Absentia]                              Paul A. Schulte [In Absentia]
Department of Pathology: 211C                                  Mailstop C14
Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation                     CDC, NIOSH
10666 North Torrey Pines                                          4676 Columbia Parkway
La Jolla, California 92037                                           Cincinnati, Ohio 45226
Voice: 619-554-8605                                                 Voice: 513-533-8481
FAX: 619-554-6748                                                  FAX: 513-533-8588
Email: Not available                                                     Email: PAS4@CDC.GOV

Nat Rothman                                                            Howard M. Shapiro, M.D., P.C.
EPN 418; National Cancer Institute                             283 Highland Avenue
National Institutes of Health                                         West Newton, Massachusetts 02165
6130 Executive Blvd.                                                   Voice: 617-576-0660
Bethesda, Maryland 20892                                          FAX: 617-576-0662
Voice: 301-496-9093                                                  Email: HMS@SHAPIROLAB.COM
FAX: 301-402-1819

Eric J. Sampson                                                         Tom Sinks
Mailstop F20                                                               Mailstop F29
Centers for Disease Control and                                   Centers for Disease Control and
     Prevention                                                                   Prevention
4770 Buford Highway                                                  4770 Buford Highway
Atlanta, Georgia 30341                                                Atlanta, Georgia 30341
Voice: 404-488-7950                                                  Voice: 770-488-7002
FAX: 770-488-4839                                                   FAX: 770-488-7015
Email: EJS1@CDC.GOV                                            Email: THS2@CDC.GOV

E. Santibanez [In Absentia]                                      Barbara Slade [In Absentia]
Centro de Investigaciones Medicas;                             Mailstop E31
Escuela de Medicina                                                    Agency for Toxic Substances and
Ponpificia Universidad Catolica de Chile                            Disease Registry
Marcoleta 391                                                             1600 Clifton Road
Santiago, Chile                                                             Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Voice: 56-2-639-6669                                                 Voice: 404-639-6201
FAX: 56-2-632-1924                                                  FAX: 404-639-6912
                                                                                    Email: BFS9@CDC.GOV

Robert Spengler [In Absentia]                                 Stephen B. Thacker [In Absentia]
Mailstop E31                                                               Mailstop C08
Agency for Toxic Substances and                                 Centers for Disease Control and
     Disease Registry                                                            Prevention
1600 Clifton Road                                                        1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30333                                                 Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Voice: 404-639-6200                                                   Voice: 404-639-3674
FAX: 404-639-6220                                                    FAX: 404-639-3950
Email: RYS2@CDC.GOV                                           Email: SBT1@CDC.GOV

Karen K. Steinberg                                                    David J. Tollerud
Mailstop F24                                                                Room A718
Centers for Disease Control and                                    University of Pittsburgh
     Prevention                                                                130 Desoto Street
4770 Buford Highway                                                   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261
Atlanta, Georgia 30341                                                 Voice: beeper: 412-95
Voice: 770-488-4955                                                   FAX: 412-624-3040
FAX: 770-488-4192                                                    Email: Not available

Maryalice Stettler-Stevenson                                   Ernest S. Tucker, III. [In Absentia]
Bldg. 10 Room 2A33; National                                     Department of Pathology: 211C
     Cancer Institute                                                        Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation
National Institutes of Health                                           10666 North Torrey Pines
9000 Rockville Pike                                                      La Jolla, California 92037
Bethesda, Maryland 20892                                           Voice: 619-554-8603
Voice: 301-402-1424                                                   FAX: 619-554-6748
FAX: 301-402-7762                                                    Email: Not available

Carleton Stewart [In Absentia]                                  Robert F. Vogt
Department of Pathology                                               Mailstop F19
Roswell Park Cancer Institute                                        Centers for Disease Control and
Elm and Carlton Streets                                                      Prevention
Buffalo, New York 14263                                             4770 Buford Highway
Voice: 716-845-8471                                                   Atlanta, Georgia 30341
FAX: 716-845-8806                                                    Voice: 770-488-7971
Email:                                                                            FAX: 770-488-4609
stewart@SC3101.MED.BUFFALO.EDU                    Email: RFV1@CDC.GOV

J. Michael Straight                                                     Elizabeth Ward
Englewood, Colorado 80111                                        Mailstop R13
Voice: 303-721-0429                                                   CDC, NIOSH
Email:                                         5555 Ridge Avenue
                                                                                     Cincinnati, Ohio 45213
                                                                                     Voice: 513-841-4593
                                                                                     FAX: 513-841-4486
                                                                                     Email: EMW3@CDC.GOV

Mary Ward                                                                 Michael H. Whittaker
EPN 418; National Cancer Institute                               DH Box 152
National Institutes of Health                                           Medical College of Wisconsin
6130 Executive Blvd.                                                    9200 West Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, Maryland 20892                                           Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226
Voice: 301-496-9093                                                   Voice: 414-257-6202
FAX: 301-402-1819                                                    FAX: 414-257-7815
Email:                                                                            Email:

Daniel Wartenberg                                                    Edward Yurkow
Environmental Occupational Health                               Department of Toxicology
Sciences Institute; Room 234                                        Rutgers University College of Pharmacy
University Medicine and Dentistry                                 Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
     of New Jersey/Rutgers                                            Voice: 908-445-0211
681 Frelinghuysen Road                                               FAX: 908-445-2534
Piscataway, New Jersey 08855                                    Email:
Voice: 908-445-0197                                                  YURKOW@EOHSI.RUTGERS.EDU
FAX: 908-445-0784

Myron J. Waxdal                                                      Sheila Hoar Zahm [In Absentia]
Suite 5                                                                         National Cancer Institute; EPN 418
FAST Systems, Inc.                                                     National Institutes of Health
8-5 Metropolitan Court                                                6130 Executive Blvd.
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878                                     Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Voice: 301-977-0536                                                  Voice: 301-496-9093
FAX: 301-977-7023                                                   FAX: 301-402-1819
Email: FAST@ACCESS.DIGEX.NET                        Email:

Mary C. White [In Absentia]
Mailstop E31
Agency for Toxic Substances and
     Disease Registry
1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Voice: 404-639-6201
FAX: 404-639-6219

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