ALC             absolute lymphocyte count
APC             antigen presenting cell
AT                ataxia-telangiectasia
ATSDR       Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
B-CLL         B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia
BCML         B-cell monoclonal lymphocytosis
BITB            Basic Immune Test Battery
BLPD           B-cell lymphoproliferative disease
CBC             Complete blood count
CBER          Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research,Food and Drug
CCLLa         common chronic lymphocytic leukemia antigen
CDC             Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CERCLIS    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
                      Act (“Superfund”)
CLIA            Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act
CLL              Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
CsA              Cyclosporine
DHHS          Department of Health and Human Services
DNA             Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DTH             Delayed Type Hypersensitivity
EBV             Epstein Barr Virus
EHLS           Environmental Health Laboratory Sciences, Centers for Disease
                     Control and Prevention
ELISA          Enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay
ELSI             Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
EPA              Environmental Protection Agency
FCM             Flow cytometry
FDA              Food and Drug Administration
FISH             Fluorescence in situ hybridization
FITC             Fluorescein isothiocyanate
FSC               Forward Scatter
G-CSF           Granulocyte Colony Forming Factor
G2M              gap 2 in cell cycle before mitosis
HANES         Health and Nutrition Evaluation Survey
HCL               hairy cell leukemia
HLA-DR       Class II Major Histocompatibility antigens
IFN-gamma   Interferon gamma
IL-2                Interleukin-2
IL-4                Interleukin-4
IL-6                Interleukin-6
IL-10              Interleukin-10
IPSID             Immunoproliferative Small Intestinal Disease
IRB                Institutional Review Board
IW-CLL         International Workshop on CLL
LAM-1           Leukocyte adhesion molecule-1
LPD                Lymphoproliferative disease
LPT                Lymphocyte phenotype
MALT            Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue
MHC              Major histocompatibility complex
Mo                  Monocytes
NCHGR         National Center for Human Genome Research
NCI                 National Cancer Institute
NHL                Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
NIH                 National Institutes of Health
NK                   natural killer cells
NPL                 National Priorities List of Hazardous Waste Sites
NPRO              Nitrosoproline
NSF                  Non-specific fluorescence
PBMC              Peripheral blood mononuclear cells
PCB                  Polychlorinated biphenols
PCR                  Polymerase Chain Reaction
PE                     Phycoerythrin
PHS                  Public Health Service
RCRA              Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
SCF                  stem cell factor
SSC                  Side scatter
TCR T              cell antigen receptor
TdT                   terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
Th-0                  T-helper type 0 response
Th-1                  T-helper type 1 response
Th-2                  T-helper type 2 response
TNF                  Tumor necrosis factor
TNT                  2,4,6-trinitrotoluene
TRI                   Toxic Release Inventory
VOC                 Volatile Organic Compound
VpreB               surrogate Ig light chain
WBC                 White Blood Cell Count

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