Problems related to 1-COM

Problem 01. Given measured plasma concentrations of drug at the times noted, calculate the following:

  1. Elimination half-life
  2. Zero-time intercept concentration (Cp(0))
  3. Can you calculate a Vd using the information given?

Problem 02. A plasma sample taken at 2 hours has a concentration of 22.7 mg/L. Your best estimate of a half-life of the drug in this patient is 5 h.

  1. What concentration would you expect at 12 h?

Problem 03. A patient has been receiving a a drug on q12h schedule for 3 months. Plasma samples were taken at the time of drug administration and again 4 hours later for the PO administered drug. Concentrations were 24.4 and 28.0 mg/L. [help]

  1. What is the estimated elimination half-life of this drug?
  2. Has this drug reached its steady state concentration range?
  3. What is the predicted "trough" concentration if one doubles the dose?

Problem 04. A drug is being given at a dosage of 3 mg/Kg q12h via IM injection. It is very rapidly absorbed. Its elimination half-life is 4 hours. Estimated Vd = 0.3 L/Kg.

  1. What is the concentration of the initial peak?
  2. What is the concentration of the peaks at steady state?
  3. What is the concentration of the troughs at steady state?

Problem 05. no problem yet

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Last modified: 25 Sep 1996 10:38 glc