The following is a list of publications that have resulted from work done at the J.J. MacIsaac Facility for Individual Particle Analysis over the past few years. It gives an indication of the scope of work that we have experience with.

Ackleson, S.G. and D.B. Robins. 1990. Flow cytometric determinations of

North Sea phytoplankton optical properties. Neth. J. Sea Res. 25: 11-18.

Ackleson, S.G. and R.W. Spinrad. 1988. Size and refractive index of

individual marine particulates: A flow cytometric approach. Appl. Opt.
27: 1270-1277.

Ackleson, S.G., J.J. Cullen, J. Brown, and M. Lesser. 1993. Irradiance-induced

variability in light scatter from marine phytoplankton in culture.
J. Plank. Res. 15: 737-759.

Ackleson, S.G., R.W. Spinrad, C.M. Yentsch, J. Brown, and W. Korjeff-

Bellows. 1988. Phytoplankton optical properties: Flow cytometric
examinations of dilution-induced effects. Applied Optics 27(7):

Baier, R.W., T.L. Cucci, and C.M. Yentsch. 1989. Flow cytometry for observing

the distribution of adsorption sites on particles. Limnol. Oceanogr.
34(5): 947-952.

Balch, W.M., K. Kilpatrick, P.M. Holligan, and Terry L. Cucci. 1993. Coccolith

production and detachment by Emiliania huxleyi(Prymnesiophyceae).
J. Phycol. 29: 566-575.

Balch, W.M., P.M. Holligan, and K. A. Kilpatrick. 1992. Calcification,

photosynthesis and growth of the bloom-forming coccolithophore,
Emiliana huxleyi. Cont. Shelf Res. 12: 1353-1374.

Campbell, J.W. and C.M. Yentsch. 1989. Variance within homogeneous

phytoplankton populations, I: Theoreical framework for interpreting
histograms. Cytometry 10: 587-595.

Campbell, J.W. and C.M. Yentsch. 1989. Variance within homogeneous

phytoplankton populations, II: Analysis of clonal cultures. Cytometry
10: 596-604.

Campbell, J.W., C.M. Yentsch and T.L. Cucci. 1989. Variance within

homogeneous phytoplankton populations, III: Analysis of natural
populations. Cytometry 10: 605-611.

Cucci, T.L. and D. Robins. 1988. Flow cytometry and immunofluorescence in

aquatic sciences. In: Yentsch, C.M., F.C. Mague and P.K. Horan (eds.),
Immunochemical approaches to coastal, estuarine and oceanographic
questions. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 184-193.

Cucci, T.L., S.E. Shumway, W.S. Brown, and C.R. Newell. 1989. Using

phytoplankton and flow cytometry to analyze grazing by marine
organisms. Cytometry 10: 659-669.

Cullen, J.J., C.M. Yentsch, T.L. Cucci, and H.L. MacIntyre. 1988.

Autofluorescence and other optical properties as tools in biological
oceanography. SPIE (Ocean Optics IX) Vol. 925: 149-156.

Demers, S., K. Davis, and T.L. Cucci. 1989. A flow cytometric approach to

assessing the environmental and physiological status of phytoplankton.
Cytometry 10: 644-652.

Dorsey, J., C.M. Yentsch, S. Mayo, and T.L. Cucci. 1989. Rapid analytical

technique for the assessment of cell metabolic activity in marine
microalgae. Cytometry 10: 622-628.

Keller, M.D., L.P. Shapiro, E.M. Haugen, Terry L. Cucci, E.B. Sherr, and B.F.

Sherr. 1994. Phagotrophy of fluorescently labelled bacteria by an oceanic
phytoplankter. Microbial Ecol. (in press).

Lesser, M.P. 1989. Photobiology of natural populations of zooxanthellae from

the sea anemone Aiptasia pallida: Assessment of the host's role in
protection against ultraviolet radiation. Cytometry 10: 653-658.

Lesser, P.M., S.E. Shumway, T.L. Cucci, and J. Smith. 1992. Impact of fouling

organisms on mussel rope culture: interspecfic competition for food
among suspension-feeding invertebrates. J. exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 165: 91-

Lesser, P.M., S.E. Shumway, T.L. Cucci, J. Barter, and J. Edwards. 1991. Size

specific selection of phytoplankton by juvenile filter-feeding bivalves:
comparison of the sea scallop Placopectin magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791)
with Mya arenaria Linneaus, 1758 and Mytilus edulis Linneaus,1758. In
Scallop Biology and Culture, eds. S.E. Shumway and P.A. Sandifer, The
World Aquaculture Society, the 7th International Pectinid Workshop,
pp. 341-346.

Neale, P.J., J.J. Cullen, and C.M. Yentsch. 1989. Bio-optical inferences from

chlorophyll a fluorescence: What kind of fluorescence is measured in
flow cytometry? Limnol. Oceanogr. 34: 1739-1748.

Newell, C.R., S.E. Shumway, T.L. Cucci, and R. Selvin. 1989. The effects of

natural seston particle size and type on feeding rates, feeding
selectivity and food resource availability for the mussel Mytilus edulis
Linnaeus 1758 at bottom culture sites in Maine. J. Shellfish Res. 8(1):

Phinney, D.A. and T.L. Cucci. 1989. Flow cytometry and phytoplankton

Cytometry 10: 511-521.

Pomponi, S.A. and T.L. Cucci. 1989. Separation and concentration of

phytoplankton populations using centrifugal elutriation. Cytometry 10:

Sellner, K.G., S.E. Shumway, M.W. Luckenbach, and T.L. Cucci. 1994. The

effects of dinoflagellate blooms on the oyster Crassostrea virginica in
Chesapeake Bay. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
Toxic Marine Phytoplankton; Lassus, P. (ed); (in press)

Yentsch, C.M. and J.W. Campbell. 1991. Phytoplankton growth: perspectives

gained by flow cytometry. J. Plank. Res. 13: 83-108.

Yentsch, C.M., C.M. Lewis, T.L. Cucci, and E.E. Hargesheimer. 1990. Flow

cytometry: Automated individual particle analysis for water quality. In:
1990 Water Quality Technology Conference Proceedings; American
Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado.

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL