blast analysis?

Meenakshi Roy (
Fri, 4 Oct 1996 12:38:06 -0700 (PDT)

Dear flow-ers,
What is the best way to analyse blasts umambiguously by flow
cytometry? I frequently do FACS analysis on splenic lymphocytes from
C57BL/6 mice. The fsc vs ssc dotplot regularly has several lymphocyte
populations-1. one is the lowest in side and forward scatter,contains most
of the resting lymphocyte population (as assessed by expression of memory
markers). There is always a second population- it is higher in forward and
side scatter, and is enriched in memory markers.
My question is-can I assume that the second population is largely
blasting lymphocytes? Probably, at least a portion of these lymphocytes
are aggregates. How can I distinguish between these two possibilities on
the FACS?
I would appreciate your comments and suggestions,
Dr. Meenakshi Roy
Stanford University

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