Re: Name my babies...

Ivan T. Shaw (
Fri, 15 Dec 1995 18:57:53 -0500

At 11:05 AM 12/11/95 -0500, wrote:
>I have yet to see another well known group of five:
>Michael, Marlon, Tito, Jermaine, Jackie,
>and for expansion: Janet and LaToya

Ugh, if you wanted to go the hellish route, why not just pick the Osmonds? I
think there were five of them, plus Marie and the second generation that's
singing its way across Utah.

Some alternatives that might be considered are:

- the Seven Duffs from the "Duff Gardens" episode of the Simpsons (the sorter
can be Surly).
- Archie, Jughead, Reggie, Betty and the rest from Riverdale
- cartoon characters (e.g. Blondie, Hagar, Dilbert)

Oh - I know the nephew of the man who unleashed the Brady Bunch on an
unsuspecting world.

- ivan

Ivan T. Shaw "The Angel of Death" | Tel: (514) 398-3002
Montreal Neurological Institute | FAX: (514) 398-8540
3801 University | 398-7371
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H3A 2B4 | e-mail:

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