Blue book? :)

Marc Langweiler (Marc.Langweiler@Dartmouth.EDU)
13 Jan 94 13:37:21 EST


Pardon me if this is a repeat of previous postings.

Would someone care to speculate on what a used Elite might be worth
(description below). We have been approached by someone interested in
purchasing our little-used unit, and before we consider the issue would like
to have some idea of what a reasonable asking price would be. Please
accompany any tongue-in-cheek suggestions with a :)

The instrument is *very* low mileage, with a manufacture date of 10/90,
having been on-site since 1/91. Includes argon and HeNe air-cooled lasers,
but *no* gated amp.

Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated.


Marc Langweiler 603-650-4924
DMS Pathology Lebanon, NH

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