sort rate/purity/EPICS752

Kristi R Harkins (
Tue, 26 Oct 93 16:54:39 CDT

We would like to use our conventional 752 with MDADS I to sort
chromosomes. In the manual the company notes an analysis rate of 10,000/sec
and sort rates of 5,000/sec. We have not yet had the opportunity to push
the system to see if these numbers are real. Could anyone give me some real
case scenario's or point me to a reference where I can find out actual sort
rates, sample flow rates, 1, 2, or 3 droplet sorting, sheath PSI, crystal
frequency, final purity, and what original percent of the population was
being sorted???

Along these same lines, if it were possible to tag a specific chromosome
within a mixture, do you have to use a counter stain to see all the other
unwanted chromosomes? I am concerned about the DNA fluorescence crossing over
into the tag fluorescence channel. My reasoning stems from the idea that you
could calculate the rate of coincidence based upon the ratio of the
desired chromosome to the undesired ones and adjust the flow rate to minimize
coincidence. Also, if you set the cytometer up with a bead which correlates
in fluorescence intensity with what you estimate as the fluorescence
equivalent to your tagged chromosome to maximize signal to noise, is this
one signal enough to sort by??? I realize these questions are somewhat
abstract, but if anyone has some experience with low-level fluorescence
detection and sorting combined, I would appreciate hearing about your


Kristi R. Harkins, Lab Director        <>          Office: 515/294-2472
Cell & Hybridoma Facility              <>             Lab: 515/294-8504
Iowa State University                  <>             FAX: 515/294-0453   
1104 Molecular Biology Bldg.           <>
Ames, IA  50011                        <>

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