RE: biosaftey/software

Doug Smoot (
Wed, 22 Sep 1993 17:58:39 -0400 (EDT)

> My second question is unrelated to the first. We have a Coulter EPICS 750
> series instrument and are currently collecting indo1 fluorescence (long and
> short) and ratio as listmode signals. We often have nice discernible shifts
> in the long & short histogram peaks, and the ratio in turn goes off scale. Is
> there an off-line software package (freeware or marketed) which is DOS
> compatible which will allow us to ratio the EPICS listmode short and long
> signals on a cell-by-cell basis?
> Any comments can be sent to me through the network or via the address
> below. Thank you in advance for your comments.

Listview from Phoenix flow will ratio any two parameters from a list-mode
file. It will perform any simple arithmetic function on any parameter. For
the ratio being off-scale, all you would have to do is to ratio the 2
parameters and have an appropriate multiplier to keep the ratio on scale. I
presume that there are other software packages that do that too. I have
used Listview and it works fine.
Douglas Smoot
Naval Medical Research Institute, Code O6
Bethesda, MD 20889-5607
(301) 295-1121

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