networking OS/2

Wed, 25 Aug 93 15:36:44 EDT

Biomedical Engineer, BCC
Phone: (502)588-7191

reply to Joe Trotter.


YOu might not be aware of this but the TCP/IP and NFS are available for OS/2.
I would think that you could just get those "packages" and be ready to rock and
roll. I'm not too up on networking, if you need more details I might be able
to dig u p the information somewhere. if you have access to CompuServe, you ca
n try the OS/2 forums os2user for example. the peopl on there are really helpf
ul, and there are IBM people on there that can give you the phone numbers of th
e people with which to place the order. There's nothing nicer in the world of
the PC than feeling the power of OS/2<g>. chris

Avoid the Darkside, Use OS/2 2.1
These are my opinions, get your own. If I wanted your opinion
I would squeeze one out of your computer.

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