Re: FCM Software for Macs?

Alice L. Givan (Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU)
12 Apr 93 19:32:46 EDT

Answer to Ross Longley----
Gyorgy Lustyik (Soft-Flow Hungary Ltd, H-4024 Debrecen, Wesselenyi ut 17,
Hungary; e-mail H1914Lus%huella.BITNET) has some good flow software for the
Mac. Phoenix (1-800-866-FLOW) say they are coming out with some as well.
Gary Salzman from Los Alamos has written some Mac software for cluster
analysis; it's called AutoGate and if you send him a formatted diskette, a
mailer, and a letter he will ship you a copy in about 2 months. All three
of the above had demos at the ISAC meeting. Becton Dickinson are playing
cat and mouse about their plans -- but I think it is an open secret that they
are working on Macintosh software and plan "eventually" to switch over to a
Mac system for both analysis and acquisition on BD cytometers (if weren't
open before, it certainly is now.....). I guess it is unlikely that BD
software would handle Elite files, but the other software mentioned should
have no trouble with Coulter data.

Flow software for the Mac has been slow to appear, but I think the
situation is gradually improving. If you get any other information, I would
like to hear about it.

Alice Givan
NCCC Flow Cytometry Laboratory/Department of Physiology
Dartmouth Medical School
Lebanon, New Hampshire 03756-0001 USA
voice 603-650-7907 fax 603-650-6130

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