Re: Used lasers

Dave Coder (
Wed, 3 Feb 93 10:00:08 -0800

You might try Holo-Spectra in Van Nuys,CA (818-994-9577, 818-994-4709
fax). They deal in used lasers.

There's also a guy in Kansas who seems to have a handle on the used
laser market. Experts from a news posting follows.

Dave Coder

Date: 26 Jan 93 09:30:04 CST
Organization: University of Kansas Academic Computing Services

For those interested in agron lasers, I have aquired two American 60X
multi-line heads. They produce about 80mW each in 488Nm to 514Nm
I am selling the heads for $1000 each. But, just for your info,
Instruments has Cyonics model 2201 argon lasers with power supplies
produce 25mW blue only (488Nm) for $1200. They are selling the head
for $695
(I'm thinking about one of those myself ;-) Thier address is:

Meredith Instruments
P.O. Box 1724
5035 N. 55th Ave
Glendale, AZ 85301

In case anyone is wondering, I'm not making a profit on these lasers.
I'm a
laser fanatic and I know there are others out there like me. I sell
them for
what I paid for them to pass the saving on to you. Nothing I hate
more than the
surplus dealers ripping people off with a cost to you of 2 or 3 times
of what
they paid for it. Through years of beating the bushes, I have found
out where
and how these guys get thier lasers. I'm paying the price they pay
for them,
then pass that cost on, nothing more. If you have a specific laser
need, let me
know and I will try to get the best price I can for you (definetly
less than
what the surplus markets what for them).

-=-= Wes =-=-

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