Re: pulse width

Thomas Delohery (
Wed, 31 Jul 1996 12:48:11 +0530

Alice Given brings up several good points when she wrote:

>Forward scatter, however, is even more complex. It's related to refractive
>index as well as to size of the particle. And, of more relevance, it is
>proportional to cross-sectional area of the particle (NOT to diameter). The
>larger the cross-sectional area of the particle, the more light passes through
>it and gets refracted around the obscuration bar to reach the photodector. So,
>even if refractive indices are constant from particle to particle and even if
>the particles are larger than the laser beam (both highly questionable), you
>would not expect a straight line relationship between FSC and pulse width, but
>rather a curve.

The forward light scatter for cells is a combination of refraction and
diffraction. On the other hand, forward scatter from plastic beads is
exclusively due to diffraction. Thats why the forward scatter signal will
always be greater for a cell than a bead of the same size. This doesn't
begin to address the complexities of obtaining quantitative "size" measurement
from scattered laser light.

my two bits,

be the particle in the beam.

 Thomas Delohery                        | Internet:
 Manager, Flow Cytometry Core Facility  |    Phone: (212) 639-8729
 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |      Fax: (212) 794-4019
 1275 York Ave. Box 98                  |
 New York, NY    10021                  |

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