Revised ISAC Constitution & Bylaws

Robert C. Leif, Ph.D. (
Thu, 18 Jul 1996 19:23:46 -0700

To: cyto-inbox
From: Bob Leif

I received a ballot from ISAC for the Proposed Amendments to the
Constitution and Bylaws. Since I believe that the new version is an
improvement over the old version, I voted for the change. However, even
though, I can endorse the product, I am unhappy with the process. I believe
that it would have been more democratic to vote on each article of the
Constitution and Bylaws separately. I also believe that two new bylaws need
to be created: 1) a requirement for complete disclosure of all
disbursements over 1,000 US 1996 dollars and 2) a requirement for public
meetings except for where the qualifications of individuals are discussed.
Requirement 1 could be met at virtually no expense by listing the
information on the ISAC web site.

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