nylon mesh -Reply

Paul Harris (PAULH@stj.stjosephs.london.on.ca)
Tue, 25 Jun 1996 19:26:39 -0500

Hi Simon,

We have used a nylon mesh for the last five years from a company in
Canada, and the old information shows some US information.

The Manufacturer is TETKO inc.

National Office address:
420 Saw Mill River Road
Elmsford, New York 10523

Good luck,
Paul Harris,
Flow Cytometry Specialist
St. Joseph's Health Centre
268 Grosvenor St.
London, Ont. Ca.

Ph (519) 646 6100 ext 5918
Fax (519) 646 6088
Email paulh@stj.stjosephs.london.on.ca

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