Reference management software

James Weaver 301-594-5879 FAX 301-594-3037 (
Thu, 02 Nov 1995 14:24:16 -0400 (EDT)

I have been using Papyrus for several years and am quite satisfied with the way
it works. It can import from Medline and formats can be set up to import from
any other format. Significant care is needed in setting up both import and
output formats. However, once completed and working, they work very well. The
formatting is very powerful and will deal with any journal that I have ever
seen. For manuscripts, if written using a delimiter such as %%ref#%%, where ref#
is the index number assigned by Papyrus, the program can go through the
wordprocessor file, change the text to the format specified by the journal and
then write a separate file with the references in their specified order and
format. This file can then be imported into the manuscript and the references
are done. The total time for this process is perhaps 5 minutes. I am well
satisfied with the product and would recommend it.

-Jim Weaver

James L. Weaver Email: WEAVER@CDER.FDA.GOV
Molecular Pharmacology Phone: 301-594-5879
Division of Research & Testing FAX: 301-594-3037
OTR, CDER, Food & Drug Admin.
Laurel, MD

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