Re: batch analysis and cellquest
Fri, 11 Aug 95 22:47:13 EST


Quickeys would work if all of the controls and menus designed for CellQuest
could be recorded. Unfortunately, they cannot. We have settled on creating
large analysis documents with file increments ranging from 6 to 24. With these
documents we are able move up and down through folders in which we have
sequestered any files of interest. This approach makes data analysis fairly
rapid, whether it be for histograms or dotplots.

I would suggest that you try the batch mode processing in either Paint-A -
Gate Pro or Attractors, which is spectacular. Not only are you able to batch
mode process list mode files with these programs, but you can directly generate
spreadsheets from the data as part of the analysis process. Furthermore, both
programs allow for walk away automated processing of data.

I have written a large number of Attractor sets that I would be happy to
share with you.


Mark G. Edinger
Immunotyping Laboratory
Cleveland Clinic Foundation


I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had even moderate success
performing batch file analysis and printing with the Cellquest program. I
have been told to stay away from this Quick Keys program. We have just set up
a Mac. Thanks.

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