Multiplus software

Jenny Bryant (
Fri, 7 Jul 95 10:37 EDT

Dear Andreas,

I was very interested to read about your problems with Multiplus. We have
been having difficulties for quite a while too - Versions 2.5 and 3.0. Our
listmode files are also from a Coulter Elite (ESP upgraded but it still
happened before the upgrade). I was led to believe that the problems I was
experiencing were novel and probably due to the complex set up of my PC -
network, CD-Rom, printer and MO disk.

Yes, it does take up a lot of space and for this reason I may have thought
about looking at a Windows-based version if I had not had so many problems.

We do not do very much DNA work but when I have used the Multicycle part of
the program I have also experienced this instability after a number of
analyses. There is another problem which you have not mentioned and I
thought I had better warn you about. When you use MPlus to analyse two
single parameter histograms, one negative control and one test, and you
select the subtract negative option the result is not always correct. MPlus
appears to rescale the negative control histogram to a scale unrelated to
the real one and then it uses this incorrect value in the subtraction
process. The result is thus unusable. This problem made me seriously
distrust the results for any calculations, particularly DNA work.

These problems have been a real pain but it does feel better to know that I
am not alone.

Jenny Bryant
Flow Cytometry Laboratory
Department of Cell Biology
NSW Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service
Sydney, NSW 2000, AUSTRALIA
Ph: 61 2 229 4341
FAX: 61 2 229 4372

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