Clint E. Young (clintey@unixg.ubc.ca)
Mon, 3 Jul 1995 06:47:52 -0700 (PDT)

To those who participated,

The following contains the compiled information that participants sent me
regarding a Quantitative Image Analysis (Q-IA) mailing list.

It is divided into 4 sections.
1. ID#: Name and email address
2. Questions and comments made by participants
3. Q-IA that participants are currently ABLE to perform.
4. Computer and Software used

Immediately afterwards is my suggestion of where a (temporary?) Q-IA
mailing list should be--and my reasons for choosing this site.


ID# Name e-mail
1 ? smejkag@ccsmtp.ccf.org
2 Alan Hall hall@scientia.up.ac.za
3 Alex Almasan almasaa@athene.hh.ri.ccf.org
4 Alistair Young a.young@auckland.ac.nz
5 Andreas Becker becker@ps1515.chemie.uni-marburg.de
6 Bo Johansen boj@bot.ku.dk
7 Brain Wade bwade@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
8 Carolyn Smith clsmith@codon.nih.gov
9 Chang Seng chang@newton.umsl.edu
10 Cheng-Lun Na na@utsw.swmed.edu
11 Craig Daly cdaly@biomed.gla.ac.uk
12 David A. Jans daj224@huxley.anu.edu.au
13 David boyle david.boyle@gensia.com
14 David Morilak morilak@uthscsa.edu
15 Dominique Bataille Bataille@citi2.fr
16 Don-Carlos Abrams don@rpms.ac.uk
17 Donna Wagahoff DWAGAHOF@wpsmtp.siumed.edu
18 Doug Chaytor doug.chaytor@dal.ca
19 Douglas L. Rosene drosene@bu.edu
20 Edgar Riverdal edgarr@labmed.uio.no
21 Eric Kokko KOKKO@EM.AGR.CA
22 Feona Hansen-Smith hansensm@oakland.edu
23 Gary Krichau gkrichau@unlgrad1.unl.edu
24 Gert van Cappellen vanCappellen@endov.fgg.eur.nl
25 Glenn Holm karuzis@wccf.mit.edu
26 Gordon Robertson robertson-g@vanlab.paprican.ca
27 Hakan Hall hakanh@psyk.ks.se
28 Jakob Walter jhwpatho@zedat.fu-berlin.de
29 James Crandall jcrandall@shriver.org
30 Jeff Reece reece@niehs.nih.gov
31 Jeffrey Kopp jbkopp@nih.gov
32 John F Smiley JSmiley@nwu.edu
33 Judy Trogadis judy@camtwh.eric.on.ca
34 Kate Whitley k.whitley@ucl.ac.uk
35 Lauran Oomen lauran@nki.nl
36 Marc Brande brande@SDSC.EDU
37 Maxx Abraham abraham@atax.eng.uab.edu
38 Michael Binks reba999@ucl.ac.uk
39 Michael J. Herron herro001@maroon.tc.umn.edu
40 Michael Rudisill mrudisil@hsc.usc.edu
41 Mike Esteman mikee@lilly.com
42 Norm Granholm Norman.Granholm@UC.Edu
43 Paul C. Dolber dolber@cs.duke.edu
44 Paul Goodwin pgood@fred.fhcrc.org
45 Petra Nederlof nederlof@genmic.biochem.mpg.de
46 R. Thomas Zoeller tzoeller@bio.umass.edu
47 R. Wade Schuette schuette@eecs.umich.edu
48 Richard Thrift RichardT@Depotech.com
49 Rosemary White r.g.white@sci.monash.edu.au
50 Stephen Helfer s.helfer@rbge.org.uk
51 Steve Rogers srogers@delphi.beckman.uiuc.edu
52 Steven Bagley steven.bagley@man.ac.uk
53 Ted Gaten gat@leicester.ac.uk
54 Vlasta P Spongr spongr@acsu.buffalo.edu
55 Ze'ev Silverman szeev@bgumail.bgu.ac.il


ID# Name question
1 ?
2 Alan Hall ? how quantify RNA from material embedded in
Quetol with oso4?
3 Alex Almasan
4 Alistair Young ?what's good embedding compoud for confocal >100um?
5 Andreas Becker quantitative PCR techniques
6 Bo Johansen
7 Brain Wade interest: quantify chlorophyll
8 Carolyn Smith
9 Chang Seng Semper6 plus is programmable IA software
10 Cheng-Lun Na ? Any EM autoradiography analysis software for Mac?
11 Craig Daly 3D of blood vessels; receptor distribution
12 David A. Jans interest: quantify flourescent labelled nuclear protein
13 David boyle Quantified radiolabelled tissue
14 David Morilak
15 Dominique Bataille ? how quantify stained antigen?
16 Don-Carlos Abrams
17 Donna Wagahoff
18 Doug Chaytor
19 Douglas L. Rosene ?how create standards for absolute IHC quantification?
20 Edgar Riverdal ? how quanify flourescent staining?
21 Eric Kokko
22 Feona Hansen-Smith
23 Gary Krichau
24 Gert van Cappellen ?how quantify IHC and in-situ hybridization?
25 Glenn Holm autoradiograms; cell counting and classification
26 Gordon Robertson
27 Hakan Hall autoradiograms; receptor distribution and densities
28 Jakob Walter ?macro for count labelled cells? ?est. MW with NIH?
29 James Crandall
30 Jeff Reece interest: [Ca++] in live cells
31 Jeffrey Kopp ? what microscope and CCD camera to buy?
32 John F Smiley quanitify IHC, 2 approaches: area stained; line intercept
33 Judy Trogadis recently published quantitative flourescence of receptors
34 Kate Whitley ? how quantify flourescent staining?
35 Lauran Oomen FISH analysis; enzyme levels
36 Marc Brande
37 Maxx Abraham Goal: automated flourescence immunoassay system
38 Michael Binks
39 Michael J. Herron
40 Michael Rudisill ? how quantify flourescence?
41 Mike Esteman
42 Norm Granholm ?advice on software?
43 Paul C. Dolber ? comments on background subtraction and calibration?
44 Paul Goodwin
45 Petra Nederlof ? how quantify flourescence?
46 R. Thomas Zoeller ? is computer enhancement of a signal legitimate?
47 R. Wade Schuette
48 Richard Thrift Interest: quantify hydrogen ions
49 Rosemary White ? how best quantify WB?
50 Stephen Helfer cell (fungal/plant) measurments
51 Steve Rogers
52 Steven Bagley
53 Ted Gaten ? how quantify dot blots?
54 Vlasta P Spongr
55 Ze'ev Silverman ?how quantify silver grains over cells?


IHC: immunohistochemistry
WB: western blotting

1. Number of cells stained
2. Size of cells
3. Distribution of cells

1. Amount of antigen present
2. Distribution of antigen
3. Colocalization of different antigens (confocal)

ID# ability
24 B(3)
43 Feulgen-DNA microdensitometry
29 IHC: A (1,2,3) + B(1,2)
33 IHC: A(1,2) + B(1,2,3)
47 IHC: A(1,2,3)
50 IHC: A(1,2,3)
10 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2)
21 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2)
32 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2)
49 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2)
6 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2,3)
19 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2,3)
25 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2,3)
35 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2,3)
39 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2,3)
44 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2,3)
54 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(1,2,3)
7 IHC: A(1,2,3) + B(2)
18 IHC: B(1,2)
13 IHC:A(1,3) + B(1,2,3)
37 IHC; laeter, ISH
30 ROI intensities vs. time
23 Shape Analysis: 2D
11 Shape Analysis: 2D + 3D
52 Shape Analysis: 2D + 3D
36 Shape Analysis: 3D
40 Simple, Particle analysis
1 WB: (1,2)
15 WB: (1,2)
20 WB: (1,2)
41 WB: (1,2)
53 WB:(1,2)


ID# computer software
1 Mac NIH
10 Mac NIH
12 Mac NIH
15 Mac NIH
18 Mac NIH
20 Mac NIH
23 Mac NIH
27 Mac NIH
28 Mac NIH
31 Mac NIH
32 Mac NIH
38 Mac NIH
39 Mac NIH
41 Mac NIH, IPLab, Prism; Image Pro Plus
43 Mac NIH
46 Mac NIH; BioQuant
51 Mac NIH; Photoshop, Analyze
53 Mac NIH
55 Mac NIH
5 Mac, PC NIH
6 Mac, PC NIH, Image Pro Plus, Image-1
7 Mac, PC NIH, Inspector
8 Mac, PC NIH; Image 1
13 Mac, PC NIH; V150
19 Mac, PC NIH; Inquiry, Bioquant
24 Mac, PC ImageQuant; Zeiss CLSM
34 Mac, PC NIH, Photoshop; Foster Findlay's PCImage
40 Mac, PC NIH, Photoshop, Zeiss CLSM, MathLAB
11 Mac, PC, SGI NIH, MetaMorph, Imaris & MicroVision
30 Mac, PC, SGI NIH, MetaFluor, Zeiss CLSM, VoxBlast, AVS
35 Mac, PC, SGI NIH, SCIL-Image, Photoshop
49 Mac, PC, SGI Own
52 Mac, PC, SGI NIH, PC Image, Semper,AVS
9 Mac, PC, SGI, Sun Semper6 Plus
37 Mac, PC, SGI, Sun NIH; Matlab, PV-Wave, Image Analyst
44 Mac, PC, SGI, Sun NIH, OPTIMAS, ImageQuant, ISee, Prism
16 Mac, PC, Sun Kontron, ContextVision +own
4 Mac, SGI NIH, Voxelview, Photoshop, 3DVIEWNIX
36 Mac, SGI NIH
45 Mac, SGI NIH +others
47 Mac, Sun NIH, Khoros, MATLAB, IMagist-II
17 PC Bioquant and MCID
22 PC Optimas
25 PC Biocom (French commerical software)
29 PC Eutectics NTS; IBAS
48 PC Optimas 4.0
50 PC DataCell OPTIMAS
54 PC Photoshop
33 PC, SGI, NextStep BioRad confocal software, ICAR (3D)
21 PC, Unix Visilog, PCI2


>From SECTION 4, most if not all participants with Macintosh computers are
using NIH Image software (some in combination with Photoshop), while
participants using PC or Unix (SGI or SUN) stations do not seem to share
a common software package. It seems apparent that most participants
(42/55) are familiar with NIH Image. [Admittedly, these results may be
biased since I could not find a mailing list for SGI or SUN users doing
imaging. If you know of one, please let me know.]

For this reason, I suggest that we use the NIH Image mailing list as ONE
centre for Q-IA discussion. If a PC or UNIX mailing list performing
image analysis exists, I would certainly join in.

To subscribe to the NIH Image mailing list:

send an email message to


with a message containing

"subscribe nih-image FIRSTNAME LASTNAME"

Obviously, there are many experienced and knowledgable people that have
been successful in certain areas of quantitative image analysis as
evidenced by this impromptu survey. I hope your questions can be
answered now that you know where (and who) to ask.

By the way, may I suggest that if you are asking a question regarding
quantitative image analysis, that you put "Q-IA: ..." as part of the
subject. And, finally, I am trying (if time permits) to create a Q-IA
Web Page. If you have any suggestions as to what I should put on it,
feel free to email me directly.

Looking forward to reading your comments.

Clint Young
Department of Psychiatry
University of British Columbia

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu EMAIL robinson@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu